Christmas Day...Kennedy Alabama, an hour away from the hospital. We are eating lunch at MaMaw Nabors (Rick's grandmother) in the old Ag building at Kennedy. I get up to go fix my plate and feel my water trickling. There is a much funnier story, but I don't thing I need to blog it ALL. So we head to the hospital around 12:45 p.m. I am in NO pain, no contractions, etc. I pretty much sat around in labor at 8 cm and NO pain for a long time, walking the halls, having a good time with the family, etc. Finally, the doctor says, let's try some petosin. Well, because I only had 2 cm to go, and NO pain, I had waited on the epidural. Well, when the petosin hit, so did the pain. The epidural got in, but not in time to help. I only pushed about 20 minutes and all went well. I was in utter shock that it was a BOY! But very happy! We had been focusing on a girl name, but Rick named him Alston Ezekiel, one of our two choices, to coincide with the other two kids. HE WAS BORN AT 10:36 P.M. 6 LBS 13 OZ AND 191/2 INCHES LONG. After everyone went home and Rick and I had a chance to talk, we decided he looked more like an Evan and that is the name Rick liked the best all along. So Alston became Evan at 3 A.M. Sorry for the confusion. I felt great afterward. No pain and virtually great after a few hours sleep. Here are some snaps. I will fill you in on funny kid stories later. The baby is in the car waiting to get home. So, MERRY CHRISTMAS to me.
Aiden and Allee help Daddy feed baby Evan.
Aiden and Allee love thier new brother.