Monday, December 3, 2007

"I want a ..."

This story is compliments of Mrs. Sherry at church...
The kids had play practice last night and I was in charge of taking some pics for a power my kids were on the loose with whoever would keep up with them (which is pretty typical on church days....thanks church family). Aiden and his friend Keiton, also age 3, were sitting at the table. Keiton mentions that he wants a new gameboy for Christmas. Aiden, who has never been introduced to the world of video games mainly b/c he hasn't asked and I haven't offered, says..."Well, I already have a game guy and it's in my closet." He can never be out done!

Aiden pushed Allee down on the way to bed last night and it the way she fell looked really painful. I really expected her to get up screaming or at least whining. Instead, she got up, pointed her little finger at Aiden and said, "Aiden, don't push me gain." And went on about her business. I hope he grows fast b/c when she realizes she can, she is going to beat him up!

We spent most of our weekend looking for a new bedroom suite. We have decided that since at least one night a week we have one or more uninvited guest in our Queen size bed, that when number 3 arrives, we may have a problem. So, on Friday, we left for our search. Aiden is so funny. He really wanted to play outside, but we made a big deal about how much fun it was going to be to look at furniture. When we first got there , they were both asleep. When he woke up, the first thing he said was, "Wow, look at all this pretty furniture. Isn't is so beautiful." The next day, when we had travelled many miles and they were so tired, he responded with, "YES! We are going to look at more furniture. That will be so fun." They were both very good considering what we drug them through. We did not make a purchase, but we did find something we like.


Kim Lawson said...

My advice: Get a KING bed NOW!! We finally did several months ago and it has been worth it! It is so much more comfy, especially when you end up with more bodies in the bed than you started with!

Anonymous said...

I love to hear Keiton and Aiden talk. They are so funny. They are like little adults!!!