Thursday, November 13, 2008


Just thought I would post a quick pic of our Fall Festival at church. We had CRAZY HAIR night since it went over so well at VBS this year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

3 "Bumps", You're Out!

We had a small gathering for Aiden's Fall Baseball team at our FLC tonight. My kids were exhausted from our visit with NaNa Boo-Boo and Granny Earnest and NO NAP! By no planning of our own, the "bouncy things" we rented for our annual Community Fish Fry on Sat had not been picked up yet and we had those available for play. Evan, who has grown quite fond of balls, was making himself at home in the midst of the court, making all the other Moms extremely nervous with his walking on the cement floor. I had already been questioned after Evan's first fall of being knocked down accidentally, how often he falls, to which I replied, "they fall all the time. We are just used to it." Famous last words. I had just stepped back from Evan's small fall when I catch a quick glimpse of A & A falling from one of the bouncy ramps. Allee fell face first off the top side and Aiden fell backward, rolling from the top! Daddy was carrying on conversation with other Dads while me and all other moms take off running to rescue my babies. I NEVER PANIC! I am just used to the drama, usually, but the "thud" on the cement made me think otherwise this time. I got Allee, who had not even let her cry out know what I mean! I had to scold Rick, who was casually walking over, prob thinking Aiden was carrying on, and let him know that this was a REAL injury and I needed his help. I let Aiden for him while I got ice for Allee. End of that story.....Allee has black knot on forehead, Aiden has LARGE BUMP on back of head. His hair was puffed out and he said it hurt to lay on his pillow tonight! So, we carry on with the party. We have retreated to the kitchen area and "tile" flooring. Evan is walking around while I am cleaning up. I hear a "thud" and a "ping." He has hit his mouth on the metal leg of a folding table. I see blood, but with pacy in hand, he is fine in a few seconds. Later, bath time: Rick is dressing Evan who is laying flat in his lap and his makes the bold statement that he thinks he "chipped a tooth." I run to see, and sure enough, the fall had chipped two of his front teeth, pretty badly! So, in one night, all at a baseball pizza party, all three suffer brutal injuries! Guess we had to "take three for the team".

Thursday, November 6, 2008

State Meeting

Hello from Dothan, AL...home of the Peanut Festival. Rick and I are enjoying our annual Free Will Baptist State Meeting. We arrived yesterday afternoon, after arranging child care for our three children so that we could make the evening service. Yes... you read right. I left ALL THREE children at home. I know everyone may not agree with that, but thanks to loving, wonderful grandparents, we were able to come and focus on God for a couple of days while the children have fun time with NaNa's! THANK YOU! Although we haven't received much physical rest, I have recieved emotional and spiritual rest and renewal, and for that, I am truly thankful. God is so good to us. He really keeps me in line! I have the opportunity to attend a WAC (women active for Christ) meeting this morning and spent a while talking with precious young pastors' wives after the evening service about ways to minister to our ladies in our churches! I am so excited about the work God is doing in our churches. In a time where there is lots of uncertainty, I am so thankful that God has given us complete reassurance of His goodness and His Spirit! He IS still in control, no matter what the world may look like and I believe, now more than ever, that His return is SOON! I am guilty of getting caught up in the daily chores that life throws our way, and I am sure I will continue to be guilty of that, but my hearts desire is to keep the TRUE task first, and that is SERVING and WINNING souls for CHRIST! He is our KING and although I will respect the authority of our new president, I will WORSHIP AND HONOR MY KING JESUS and I challenge all of you to do the same!

If you don't know HIM, please ask someone, call me, or just pray....either and ye shall find!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week at a Glance

What a week. Seems so much has happened since last Sunday when I posted. Evan is TRULY walking or running rather, all over the place! He is just the cutest thing. He has learned, on his own, to throw a ball, say "Ball", point his finger, say "get" (to the kitty) and how to explore in the toilet (of course). He seems to be growing up so fast. I think he has quite the little temper for a 10 month old. Aiden loves to wrestle with him and he lets you know real quick when he has had enough with a high pitch squeal.

Aiden's personality continues to shine through. Rick was eating a honeybun or something sweet the other night, and Aiden came by, stuck his hand out and said, "I'll have that, Dad." He thinks he is a teenager already and he especially thinks he is Allee's boss! I know none of you have kids like that! lol.

Allee is still in her own little world, when she is not in mine! I mean that literally. People at church call her my "growth" b/c she seems to always be attached to my hip! She isn't eating good lately and is trying to quit milk all together! I've even tried Chocolate, she just prefers juice. Any suggestions? I hate milk and mom didn't force me as a child. Rick loves it and wants our kids to continue to drink it for the calories and nutrition, which is great, but she is being difficult.

I may spoil this by writing it, but we have actually had an entire week of ALL NIGHT sleeping, for the most part. IT IS AMAZING! Of course, we have still be exhausted b/c I was sick Sund, Evan sick Mon, Hot water heater broke Mon, church directory pictures Tues, Church Fall Festival Wed..... Friday, Batman (Aiden), Super Girl (Allee) and SpiderMan (Evan) swooped into the country for a couple of quick family stops and more candy than one can imagine. They had a great time. Thanks to all the family for the fun night! We also made a walk down sorority row on University Campus to see the lawn decorations. That was a blast. Hopefully I can post pictures soon. Ya'll know how it is!