Monday, November 5, 2007


It seems Aiden is constantly getting in trouble at church, especially, lately. Yesterday morning, I know he doesn't feel well, but he pitched a fit when we had to leave church b/c he didn't want to go home. That was after I had to get on to him for playing in the nursery and he got mad and pouted. (We had lunch after church and there were several other kids around all playing together while we cleaned up). Then, last night, we got ready to go, and once again, I go looking for Aiden and he is somewhere he is not suppose to be. I get him and the others he is with, tell them they have to have an adult with them to play in the nursery, and the other two leave, Aiden pitches a fit! After putting him in timeout so that I can get my things together, he finally settles down and agrees to go on home. While sitting at the supper table, I began to tell daddy how he was acting and talk to Aiden about his temper (again). I am going into great detail about how just b/c we don't get our way doesn't mean we can just pitch a fit and kick and scream and especially at church....I go on and on. He is just sitting there eating his food and looks up with the sweetest expression and says very calmly..."Yeah, Mom, I am sorry about that." As if to say, "no big deal."

Last night, as we were putting them to bed, Aiden decided he needed a drink of milk. He came in the room where I was (Rick was with Allee) and said, "Mom, go get me some milk." Shocked at the attitude, I explained to him that he needed to rephrase that. He then, obviously frustrated and aggravated with me, kind of punched at the chair and repeated himself. I told him that we were not going to act that way. If we are aggravated or frustrated at something or someone, we do not get an attitude. There is a proper way to handle that. He said, "Well, how do I do that?" I told him that instead of punching at a chair or getting attitude, he should just count to 10 or pray to God to help him not be aggravated anymore. He looked staight at me as serious as can be and said, "Well, my dad don't do that." I thought I would die. We just let it go with the statement that we are not perfect and we all need to pray about our attitudes. Oh, how much you can learn from a 3 year old!

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