Where do I start? It has been so busy since last week. We went to the doctor on Thursday. I was 35 wk 4 days. Dr. Allen checked me and was shocked to find me already at 5 cm and 90%. He said we could go anytime...so of course, not having anything done, I kicked into high gear. This is an updated pic of the tummy!

Aiden had his very first real program on Friday night. He did okay. It was at the day school. He kills me. He loves to sing and does so very well. He was singing the entire way to the program but informed us that he was not going to sing, he was going to listen to his friends sing! And that is exactly what he did. He never looked our way. He is such a mess.

This is him and one of his friends and Allee after the play.

Allee enjoys her Mexican food after the program at Jalepeno's.

Aiden's look pretty much most of the play!

Saturday, I was trying so hard to get everything done and Allee had been under my feet stressing me out all day! I tried for two solid hours to get both she and Aiden to take a nap. I finally gave up. Marna came over to let me help her make cheese balls and I put Allee in her highchair to enjoy a snack. When I turned around, this is how I found her! Of course, it was 4:00 p.m. by this point!!!!

Our church kids have been working really hard on the Christmas program that will be taking place on Sunday night. They performed one of their songs this passed Sunday morning. I can't wait until the play. Aiden loves to sing and is so funny. I hope he does well. I have a song as well and Allee will be an angel in the nativity. Rick is a wiesman.
So, my plan is to go ahead and have the baby so I can be back for the play this weekend and Christmas! I'll keep you all posted!
Well I guess I will leave you a comment so that you know someone looked at you page. HA HA
Wow! It doesn't seem like it is time for the baby already! That picture of Allee is too cute!!
-Crystal E.
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