Sunday, January 31, 2010

Clean Teeth?

My story begins with my 2 year old. You all know how funny Evan is and most of you who have multiples know how intense getting ready to go anywhere can be. Well, imagine that times 10 with me getting three under the age of 5 ready for church alone! (Rick leaves early because of early church). I try to let Aiden be independent, until I catch him slow-poking. And, I usually fix all three tooth brushed, lay them on the sink, and as each one gets dressed I say, "now go and brush your teeth and you will be all ready." This morning was no different. We were running, "right on time" as usual and Evan was the first to get ready. So off he goes to brush his "teeff". When it was Allee's turn, she came whining into the living room, "Mama, my toothbrush is empty." I went to discover that Evan had brushed (or at least sucked toothpaste off of) with all three brushes. Hey, at least his teeth were clean!

The second part to this story deals with the crazy parents. A few weeks ago when I was cleaning the toothbrush holder, I broke it and haven't had time to replace it. So, Rick and I have been placing our brushes in the medicine cabinet above the sink. Tonight, I noticed a new tooth brush in a package and decided to throw mine away because it seemed really worn. When Rick came to get ready for bed he said, "Hey, why did you throw my toothbrush away?" I had NO IDEA I had been using his lately and can't tell you when I started. Oh, well. We share everything else, but I will be getting new toothbrushes for the whole family tomorrow!!!!!!!

Fashion Girl

As most of you know, Allee has gotten to be a real dress up maniac. Lately, she strips down and runs around in swimsuits, "beauty pageant", gymnastics leotards, or princess dresses. She will run in a room, hide behind a door and say "announce me mama!" I guess all kids love getting to hear their name called out.

The other day, she was wearing her new robe that Santa brought and she ran into the living room after being "announced" and began dancing around and stripped her robe right off. When we asked her what she was doing, she said, "Daddy, all FASHION GIRLS do that." To which daddy replied, "Not any fashion girls I know."

She also could not take her eyes off of the life size poster of some beer advertisement girl in Jalepenos the other day on the way to the restroom. I was so embarrassed. I mean, she was literally trying to climb the wall to see "that girl" again! What am I going to do with her.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My toes are SORE!

Long story short, the missionary tonight is a friend of ours, and it was AWESOME! He is so funny and tells the best stories, but I was also very convicted of our duties as Christians. We have it "made" pretty much here in the Bible belt. All Jesus asks us to do is live for him, serve him, serve others, spread His word...simple right? But, how many of us are selfish? How many of us have too little time for others, but plenty of time for ourselves? How many of us look at being stuck in a long line with strangers when we are in a hurry as an opportunity to share Jesus with someone, or look at meeting new people at school, work, ballgames, as Jesus giving you an opportunity to form a relationship that may lead to a church prospect?

Bro. Lancaster reminded us tonight that God is in control. No matter how many times we think we can "fix" it, God knows what is best and He is in control. We must be faithful to His word and His works! It is all about Him and NONE about US! When we (I) can get that in our heads, life will be so much better for everyone! There are lots of things that need "fixing" right now. Let's be careful to put those things in God's hands and LEAVE IT THERE! You all know the old song..."take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there!" He also reminded us of the verse that says..."the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". He illustrated that we (Christians) can "charge" the gates of hell with the power that Jesus gives us. (pretty much) We should not be afraid to witness for Jesus, but rather we should be bold. Guys, we know who wins. Bro. Jamie used a great illustration that I guess I hadn't really thought about, yet it is so simple. He said that the devil saw that he couldn't win. He knows that God is in control. But what he can do is take everyone with him that he can so that he won't have to suffer hell alone. He wants to break families apart, take our children, make us angry with friends and co-workers, and even make us doubt our government. GOD IS IN CONTROL. Do we not think that He knows what all is going on down here? Come on guys! Let's give Him a little credit....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sleepless in Samantha---Part 2

Okay, it has been a while, but most of you will remember, sleepless in Samantha, with Allee and the night terrors. Evan, now 2 as well, has began a similar pattern. The beginning of Dec he stated cutting all 4 molars and was having some pretty restless nights that you could tell were brought on by pain. From that, we got runny nose, etc, ear drainage, more loss of sleep. I finally got antibiotic this last week. But, for going on 2 weeks now, he is waking in the middle of the night, sometimes he waits until around 5 am or so, screaming bloody murder. He is a big mama's baby, but when he is like this, nothing calms him. It's like he is half asleep, half awake. Sunday morning when Rick left, he screamed for 2 straight hours until he finally drifted back off to sleep. Last night, he got up at 1:45, and at 4:30, I couldn't take anymore, so I left Rick to discipline and went to the other room. He is still sleeping now! These fits seem a little different from Allee. She would act like she was confused, and once fully awake, the crying stopped and she would resume sleep. He is more alert. Almost like he is just being stubborn. He will ask you to hold him, but then he says "stand up mommy. I watch tb (TV) mommy." When you say NO, it's night night, he falls apart all over again. He asks for juice and when you give it to him he has a fit. He kicks his feet and flips and flops. Rick finally spanked him (that's why I left) and I think he went to sleep relatively soon afterward. However, I can spank him with no result! (imagine that).

Please pray for our situation, once again. I really don't know what my lesson is in all of this, but I know God has a plan for sending 3 sleepless children to the Taylor home! And I know the lesson is for the parents! LOL! But, Rick and I are leaving on a youth trip Friday and will not return until Mon. Evan will be staying with NaNa's and I don't want them to have to deal with this. Please , please, PRAY that he will be good for them! We are seriously considering one of us staying behind after last night...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Where is your mission field?

As most of you know, we are in the beginning of our Mission revival. I love this time of year because it was during a missions revival at Sulphur Springs that I first felt God tugging at my heart to do something more for Him, and He has never ceased to continue to tug at my heart during this same revival every year.

Rick started us out Sunday night preaching to our church about our committments: spiritually, financially, our faithfulness, etc. Tonight we had two men who are planning to plant a church in Arizona. I love when people come to share their hearts. There is always a situation where you may be thinking, "There are starving people in Africa and we wanta start a church in the US?" And then men like those tonight come and preach their heart! WOW!

We serve an amazing God! I am blessed that I live in a state where the majority of the people I come in contact with (even at Wal-Mart) at least know who Jesus is. They probably even attend a church. If they don't attend, they probably know someone who does. For those of us reading who live in the Bible belt...Do we realize how blessed we are to live among believers? Do we take advantage of our opportunities? Do we build up or tear down the cause of Christ? I don't think I thank God enough for calling me to Northport, AL...Sulphur Springs...Samantha.

Part of Rick's message was, let's do our part to support our missionaries this week, but let's not lose sight of our own mission field! Our community is our personal church mission field. If we can't reach our community, then we probably can't reach people in Africa, or France or Uraguay! Your mission field may be your family, your friends, your children! Let's all make a personal goal this year to find our mission field, then act on it! It is time to get busy for the cause of Christ! Pray for your opportunities, and pray for me as I try to find mine!

Please join us for a wonderful time in Christ this week at Sulphur Springs...7 PM thru Thursday!

You're Pushin Me!

Have you ever been "pushed" to your boiling point? After snow on Thursday, school on Friday, and Upward BK all day Saturday, Rick and I were to attend our annual Missions Banquet to kick off the revival this week. The kids were staying with NaNa Jan. So the short of it is, we had a long weekend, and a long night, picking kids up late and very tired. We got home at 10:00, so by the tme we had everyone situated, it was getting late. Aiden had found his leapster on the way home and was playing intensely. I had told him to put it away at least 3 times (2 times too many). My patience was growing thin and I was trying to keep from spanking the cute little boy I had just picked up who was very tired and needing to go to bed. If you all know my Aiden, you know his biggest issue is his mouth(don't know where he gets that. LOL). He likes to " back" whatever you want to call it...I call it disrespect! The one sure way to get my blood pressure up too! I had heard, "But Mama" one too many times. Finally, when I was just about to lose control, I said, "Aiden, you had better get in that bed right now. You have pushed me and pushed me and pushed me until you are about to make me angry." (I was a "little" loud..LOL). He looked at me with his little tear filled eyes, stopped crying and whining in mid sentence and said very matter of factly...."Now Mama, I did not PUSH you!" Ha Ha! Going back to a previous post....persepective!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Another week gone by...

Can you believe it? Another week gone by! The old saying goes that life passes by much quicker the older you get and I would echo that! As most of you, we were out for the 2010 snow storm yesterday LOL! I am so off schedule. I have felt completely lazy and winter bluesy (is that a word) for the last couple of weeks. I think the cold air and lack of sunshine and Vit D is getting to me! Is is called, Cabin fever?

We heard that NaNa T was getting snow yesterday a.m and we weren't, so off we went! We had a blast. The kids love Abbi and DJ and Evan even made a new friend in Zach! Thanks for playing! Mr. David had fixed a "sled" that they pulled behind a 4-wheeler. How red-neck can we be? Even better, there was no snow on the ground, just wet, but boy did that sled fly! They had a ball. My boys dared the danger (going slow and straight, of course). Evan loved it and did not want to get off. I left it to NaNa T to pull him from the bitter cold and force him inside.

The game was great afterward! What a day!

Now, it's Friday! WOW! We have another day of Upward. All of you please pray for me and my attitude (LOL), our devotion times, our participants and their parents, our workers, and especially for all of the unsaved who may be attending!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Catch up

Okay, now that last few months run down....

Evan has been cutting 2 year molars for over a month (hence, no sleep for us, no blog for you).
Finally has 2 bottom ones in. Turned two on Christmas. Celebrated with b'day party on 18th - CARS.

Allee has successfully learned to write her name, pretty well too. She is starting to get a little sick and continues to be a true girl.

Aiden is playing Upward bk for the first time. He is the youngest of the group, but is having a ball. He is doing really good in school.

They all had a great Christmas! Trampoline from Santa! No injuries yet, but they beg to jump everyday...don't understand cold weather!

Church is going great, just busy as usual. Always more to do that what I feel like we can get done. Our Christmas play went very well!

My niece is home from Hawaii for a while. The babies are gorgeous. We are so excited to have them all here with us!

It's All Perception

Long time huh? Sorry guys, you all know how it is. Kids, holidays, birthday party...the list goes on and on and my busy schedule uses all of my energy. I can only blog or facebook after bedtime and that has been crazy lately. I have chosen sleep (little of it anyway).

Lots to catch up on, but I want to post my thoughts first. We began our first day of the 2010 Upward season at Sulphur Springs today. It went well. Rick and I, as well as others, play a huge role in the process of organization and such for the league. For those of you who know me, you know that I stress of the small stuff (hey, I read the didn't help. LOL). Even when I try not to, I am detail oriented and it matters to me! Of course, God would see otherwise. But, I didn't consult with Him immediately. Long story short, my lesson learned or reminded of this last week has been..."It's all about Perception." It took my son to really drive this in. After stressing of getting three kids out of bed, ready, preparing all of my duties, camera ready, etc., I was pretty wired. When we finally sat down to watch Aiden's first game, I had Allee crying for a pop tart (which I brought) Evan crying for Daddy and Aiden, (who were on the game bench) and I was trying to get the video ready, while answering questions about the flow of game day and eating my sausage biscuit and Mt. Dew. It was starting out wonderfully! Well, because of the busy sch., I haven't been to any practices. Rick had warned me that Aiden may not do great. I had already decided that I wasn't going to push him to perfection on this, as long as he was having fun. However, when my son was "dancing" around his opponent and had no clue that the game was even going on, I admit, frustration set in. Sadly, I will probably be ashamed of myself when I re-watch the video. Let's just say, I wasn't encouraging enough. I called Aiden over at half time and said, "Son, can you stop "dancing" around the players and try to get to the ball?" So innocently, he looked up at me and said, "Mom, I'm not dancing, I'm showing them my moves." I relaxed then and realized, it's all about perception. Later, when it was time for the "star presentation", Aiden was presented his star last, but he received the only white star issued- Christlike. His little fist went up in the air as he mouthed "YES!" Afterward, he told me his favorite part was when he scored the goal (he never shot the ball--LOL). I finally got the nerve to ask him what goal was he talking about, and he was talking about when someone passed him the ball and he passed it on!

Now, if that doesn't put things into perspective, I don't know what will. It brought me down a notch! He had a ball and didn't even notice anything negative. I pray that I would put my negativity aside so that my children and others can always find the positive. For those of you who always find the postitive, pat yourself on the back. You deserve it! For those of you who don't, let's make a new year's resolution to do better.