When I asked Aiden weeks ago what it wanted to be, he said..."I want to be the Grinch and Allee can be Cindy Lou Who!" Okay....do you know that NO ONE makes a Grinch costume. I looked in B'ham, Tusc and the internet. I found ONE adult costume for way more than what I wanted to pay. BUT, not to disappoint my baby, I called NaNa to the rescue. Surely we could find green fuzzy material...once again...nope! She found a green fleece blanket in Wal-Mart for $7.00 and went to work. Then, we had the task of his head. I called for a local lady that does parties who said she would be glad to paint his face and she would be at Carrolls Creek Fall Fest at 6:00, to bring him then. Well... our church starts at 6:45, but that was the plan...until my brilliant sister suggested at around lunch time, maybe Sue Robertson, the art teacher at NMS would do it. SUE to the rescue. We made arrangements and it worked out great. NMS is only 5 min from my house and she wouldn't even take any money to do it. At this point, I still had no costume for Cindy Lou Who!!!! I had to go to Wal-Mart for things for the night (last minute of course) and meet with a lady from church about the Christmas play after that. I rushed home only to find that I had LOCKED MYSELF OUT of the house. SO, I guess that was a good thing, because it gave me 30 minutes to dig through the building and find Cindy Lou Who a dress to wear. I think it worked out nicely. Then, Aiden starts saying he has to poopy! Oh, well, gotta hold it. At this point I am just "letting" them play in the yard until we can do something else. Thank goodness I opted not to buy groceries while in Wal-Mart for 1 1/2 hours (with Allee screaming for a "suckter" the whole time). LaDonna gets there and we work on the play in the yard while the kids play and I wait on Rick. After that, I make caramel apples, set up the games at the gym, take Aiden for painting, eat supper, get the kids ready, and head out for fun. Here is the result....
Cindy Lou Who loved the rollers. THANKS MIMI!
During bath time, I was asking myself if it was all worth it...Yes...to see the look on Aiden's face with his finished product and knowing that he would not take his costume off...definately! Green paint in bath tub and all.
They looked so cute!!!! I think all the kids had a lot of fun. Everthing went realy well.
love ya
How cute!!! I love how Aiden just has his own ideas about everything! -Crystal Earnest
ADORABLE costumes!!! Love it!
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