Friday, August 31, 2007

Check Up

Allee went for her 15 month check up on Wed. I know that she is almost 18 mo, but what can I say. At the rate I am going at parenting, my newborn will be 12 mo before I take him for his 3 mo appointment. Anyway, she got a good bill of health. She weighs 25 pounds. She is in the 75% on weight and 95% on height. She had to get 3 shots! When the nurse came in to give the shots, Allee laid down on her back all by herself, like she knew what she was doing. The first shot went in, no sound from Allee! The second shot went in, a slight delayed reaction and mild whimpering from Allee. The third shot went in, and I think she was really just sick of us holding her down, but she did cry just a little with no tears. When we sat her up to put bandaids on, etc. she was so excited about the bandaids. When the nurse was leaving the room and I had picked her up, I said, Allee, tell her thank you...Allee looked straight at her with those big blue pouty eyes and said in the cutest little voice, "Tanks." I thought the nurse would melt. She said, I don't think I ever remember being thanked for a shot! Overall, I was pleased with the check up and most of all, Allee's behavior. (She is a lot easier to handle when we have her all alone)

Aiden----Yesterday was the kids' day to stay with NaNa Taylor. Rick and I had a meeting last night and did not get to pick them up until late. They were all eating out at a local restaurant, so of course when we came in, they were surprised to see us and Aiden was jumping around with excitement. I went and picked him up and said, (as I always do now with our history lately) "Were you a good boy for NaNa today?" And, as always, he told on himself.... "No," he said, "I ranned over Allee with my bicycle and I got in trouble." Well, at least I don't have a liar on my hands. I guess it could be worse. As the story goes from NaNa and Pop, he was trying to ride and Allee wanted to ride too. So when she kept trying to get on as he was riding and he kept telling her NO and she wouldn't move, he just decided he would run over her. She skinned her knees up a little. The end result was both of them crying, Allee b/c she was a little injured and Aiden b/c he got in trouble! They are just so funny to watch and listen to.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Too long?

This could be perceived as bad, but remember he is only 3 and his mind doesn't work that way, but it is too cute not to tell...
Aiden and Allee spent the night with their NaNa last night because I got off work too late to go and get them. Rick went and picked them up this morning. He was telling me that he had to buy Aiden a shirt at Wal-Mart because he had tee-teed on his last night. I asked how and he just started laughing. He said that Aiden had went to the bathroom last night and apparently had a little trouble getting his "tee-tee" out of his underwear. When NaNa went in to check on him, he had tee-teed all over the wall, the toilet, his shirt, etc. NaNa said, "Aiden, what happened?" Aiden replied, "It's just too long, NaNa." Enough said. Rick said his Dad about fell out of the chair laughing and Aiden was really tickled that he had made Pop laugh so hard!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

God is Good

I just wanted to let you all know how Good my God is! I know most of you already know that, but I just wanted to share a thought or two this morning. God knows what we need when we need it and He never fails to deliver. I am so blessed. I am blessed to be alive, to not be sick and nauseated this morning, to wake up to two beautiful children and a husband who still thinks I hung the moon, a job to go to, a car full of gas to drive, breakfast to eat and clothes to wear. The list could go on and on!

Yesterday, as I was driving in to work, I was listening to Rick and Bubba, and they had a bishop on taking phone calls. This one guy called in and shared that he knew he had gotten saved, but then there was trouble in the church, the church split, he went with the other group and now, years later finds himself away from God and church. He went on to say that he had prayed for God to return to him but he didn't feel like it was working. WOW! The bishop responded with a good answer and encouragment and talked about how it is not about church and that is where we all mess up, but it is about your relationship. I BELIEVE that with all my heart...if you do not have a personal daily walk and relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior, church attendance is worthless. BUT, it was Rick Burgess's response that spoke to me. I hope I get it right...I wanted to post yesterday... He encouraged the guy by reminding him that it is the DEVIL who makes us doubt our salvation. The devil is the one that discourages us and makes us feel defeated. We can be sailing along pretty good, hit a bump in the road and instead of running to God, the devil makes us feel worthless about what we are trying to accomplish for God. Then, before you know it, we feel like everything we do is worthless and we quit trying, finding ourselves lost and confused. He then assured the guy that God will not leave us, but that instead of waiting around from God to draw nearer to him, he needed to draw nearer to God. That is so true. That is the cool part about a "relationship". It works both ways. How many of you have been in a successful "one sided" relationship. No one, I can say! Relationships do not work that way. Last night when we were saying our prayers, Aiden said he didn't want to pray. I told him that it disappoints God when we don't want to talk to him. He said, "But I love God and I will talk to him when I get to heaven." Well, that is good thinking for a three year old, but it we wait to talk to God until we get to heaven, that conversation will never take place. God desires conversation with us. Aiden doesn't understand, because he can't differentiate where God is and how he can talk to someone that doesn't talk back, but as adults, we know when God hears us. Even if He seems distant...don't give up. Most likely, we are the ones who are distant, and if we keep calling on Him and seeking Him, we will soon be close enough to hear His sweet voice answer our cry of despair.

May God Bless you each and everyone today and every day!

When I get to be bigger....

I tried to update yesterday, but the computer was down, so this is really yesterday's thoughts.

Monday night, we had a meeting at church and I ended up bringing the kids and "Shelba" back to my house until the meeting was over. They were playing so well together until right before time to go. Crystal had just came in to get Shelby and Aiden came running out of his room screaming and holding his nose. They both had water pistols and Shelby's was much bigger. We didn't have to ask to find out what had happened. As I tried to comfort Aiden and check out the damage and assure him that Shelby had not hit him on purpose (though no one can ever be sure what happens, lol) he reinforced to me that she did do it on purpose. I tried to tell him that Shelby is just a baby and is still learning and he had to be a big boy and teach her by example that it is not nice to hit and we have to be really careful when we are playing so we don't accidentally hurt each other. Through teary eyes and a red forehead with a hand still over it, he said, "Well, when I get to be bigger like my daddy, I will take my belt off and spank her for that!" I thought Crystal was going to loose it! All was settled and they hugged and kissed before Shelby left!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Allee update!

It's been a while on Allee, too. Of course she doesn't talk as much and Aiden tells on himself a bit more. She is so funny in person , but hard to put into words. She has really shown an interest in potty training over the last few days! I am hesitant to begin, but we'll see what happens. She wants to go every time Aiden goes, so I guess I might as well try. She says, "I tee-tee, I poop, and I toot" quite often, sometimes when you don't want her to. It seems to me her vocabulary is growing by the day. She says whatever you say. It is so fun to watch them go from one word to forming sentences!

She is so clumsy. Yesterday, we were getting ready for church and brother was standing on the stool brushing his teeth so she thought it was a good idea to stand on the potty to brush hers. Big mistake. Before I knew it, she fell, one leg in (luckily it was clean) one leg out, and she was folded up b/n the potty and the wall. Daddy came to the rescue and she was left with big tears (which is very unusual for her) and a bruise on her left cheek! She is so stubborn, she doesn't listen to the word, "NO."

She has developed this cute little run, you know, the one where her arms cross in front and she waddles as fast as she can! Daddy told her she ran like mommy and that is not a good thing. He said they were going to have to do some serious work on her run! She just looks like she is having so much fun when she runs. She was chasing kids around last night an dying out laughing in the process. I wish I loved to run like that!

We caught her in action while watching Dora. She loves Dora! She was watching the other morning while we were getting ready and we heard her responding to Dora's questions! I got so tickled! When Dora would say, "Is this the ????" Allee would say, "Nooooo" and so it continued! She also likes to say, "Rite der" or right there! When Dora asked, "Do you see swiper? She'll say, "Rite der".

She had been more of a mommies baby than normal lately, if that is possible. I am literally walking on her when I get home because she is stuck to my legs crying, MaMa, MaMa, MaMa...the entire time. She even gets in the shower with me. If she can catch me before I get in, she knows what I am doing and will say "I'ont a showa" (I want a shower) and will start taking off her clothes.

She has learned to say her friend Shelby's name, but it comes out Shelba. I think that is the cutest thing. You should hear those two communicate. Nothing but precious.

Praise God, she is still sleeping good, with an occasaional bad night. Now, I just have to worry about transitioning to a different bed so I can have a place for the new baby. Someone has to share a room. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Catching up on Aiden

So much to catch up on...

Kayla Sue had her 21st B'day party this weekend and invited us to attend. We had a great time. When we were ready to leave, Aiden informed us that he wanted to stay. Of course, we strongly encouraged him that he needed to go home, but he was very persistant on staying. When Rick said, "Aiden, don't you want to go home with Daddy?" He very boldly, in his grown up voice, without missing a beat on what he was playing with said, "No, dad, You can go home and I will stay here. It will be okay, Daddy. Allee will protect you!" After everyone stopped laughing and Kayla and her Mom said it was okay, we decided to let him stay. So, he had his first official stay over with and older woman. LOL!

Yesterday, we invited one of his best buds at church to stay after and play and they played so hard they both slept through the entire evening service!

Last night after church, he had a total melt down. He never ever wants to leave church b/c there are so many kids to play with. He never understands why they all have to go home and either can't come to his house or he can't go with them. While he was pitching his fit, Rick jokingly said, Don't ya'll want to take him with you and Ms. Sherry said, "I would love to." Well, that is all those little ears had to hear. After screaming and crying all the way home for no apparent reason, getting put in time out AND getting a spanking for acting so was time for "THE TALK." When we were explaining why he was in trouble and how he is suppose to act , I asked him why he was so upset. Usually he will say, "I don't know." Last night he said, "I wanted to go with Ms. Sherry. She said I could and you didn't let me." It took me a minute to understand where this was coming from. He was still hysterical and very upset about the matter. I finally bribed him ( I know, I gave in, the screaming was AWFUL) into stopping the crying if I would let him call and talk to her on the phone. He agreed. Well, she wasn't home yet, so I told him to hold the phone and wait on it to ring and he could talk. While I walked into the kitchen to fix food, I heard him in the living room staring at the phone and saying in a very scolding voice, "Ring phone, you better ring phone....why are you not ringing....Mommy, it won't said it would ring..." Oh, the drama. He finally got to talk to her so all was well! He was just so very tired from the day's events!

The other day, my niece, her boyfriend and my mom were over. Aiden went and got his Bible and began telling them all about Jesus and the story of Jesus and how he died on the cross to save us from our sins. He went on to tell them that we have to have Jesus in our heart. He pointed to each one of them and said, you all have hearts. I have a heart, you have a heart, we all have hearts and they need Jesus. WOW! This coming from a 3 year old. Rick told him he had summed the Bible up better and probably knew more than some adults. He is just so precious. I thank God for giving me such a miracle in him.

There are so many more stories just over the last few days, but I can't tell them all!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fun at the River

We had the opportunity to go to the River this passed Saturday. I wanted to go because I will be working every Saturday when FB starts. I invited Kayla (she has been dying to go) and Crystal and Shelby (Adam too, but he had to work :( ) Kayla Sue, as Aiden refers to her, is one of his best friends. Because Rick was driving the boat and I am with child, Kayla got to take her first ride on the tube with Aiden. He loves it.
Aiden loves to ride the tube. Allee does too, but Kayla didn't trust herself with the little one.
Aiden used the tube as a diving board!
Aiden and Shelby enjoy a fun hug in the nice water!
Allee LOVES to jump into the water. It is hard to hold the tube still long enough for her to get her balance and "take the plunge."
This one just speaks for itself!
Shelby and Allee share in a friendly hug!
The kids had so much fun playing together. They were exhausted when we left and were all asleep by the time we got to the main highway. I can't wait to go back.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Praise God

We had a wonderful weekend. I just had to give God praise this morning for a few major accomplishments. As most of you know, we have been having a good bit of trouble with Allee sleeping through the night lately. When she wakes up, she wakes Aiden up and so the cycle begins. We have had hardly any sleep and it has really taken a toll on me, especially with me being sick! I have shared with several friends and even mentioned to the doctor on Monday who told me we would just have to let her cry it out. I used to do that until we moved and the walls are so thin, Aiden wakes up very easily. She had slept a couple of nights, randomly, last week, so I was thankful for that. But, this morning, I am happy to say that we have had 3 consecutive nights of uninterrupted sleep! WOW! I know that the prayers of my friends and family are paying off. Thanks to all who pray for us.

On another note, I have been feeling much better over the last couple of days, and that is a huge event for me. I can't explain what is feels like to be miserable with eating, not eating, sleeping, not sleeping, you name it. For those of you who go through pregnancy without this experience, I AM SO GLAD you don't have to know what it is like. But for all you others, I know you can relate. But hopefully, we are on the uphill road now and things will be better. Again, thanks for the prayers.

Also, just had to mention that a very special little girl at our church got saved a few weeks ago and we had her baptism yesterday. She was so excited. She is 5 and was smiling the entire time. Her brother, who is Aiden's friend, had a b'day too, so we shared in celebrating the two special occasions yesterday with their family. It was a busy, but wonderful day. I know God has great plans in store for their family!

One more thing, Rick preached an awesome, powerful message yesteray morning. It made me realize that since I have been pregnant, I have used the excuse of being sick and have really slacked on my Bible reading. I read everyday, but not in depth like I like to do. I have been praying for God to help me, but yesterday I really felt the presence of God and I know that things are going to get better. I was able to get up and read before the kids got up this morning, which is a HUGE blessing. I usually get frustrated because just as I get up, they get up and then there is no quiet time. God is so good. He always gives us what we need, when we need it.

Friday, August 10, 2007

New Baby

Yesterday morning, I had the privaledge of helping a friend out by keeping her 11 mo old for a couple of hours until her babysitter was freed from starting her own child at their first day of school. Allee got up and she and the baby played well together. Aiden was still in the bed at the baby's arrival and when he woke up and stumbled into the living room to start his morning ritual of cartoons until he wakes up. I was holding the baby and he didn't say a word or even acknowledge that someone else was in our house. Finally, I said "Aiden, do you notice anything this morning?" He didn't say anything, but did look at the baby. I said, "Do you know who this is?" He had a really blank stare on his face as if to I suppose to know, but instead, with the blank, confused look, he looked at me with the cutest face and said, "Is it our new baby?" I just about died laughing. Wow, wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy to get them here!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Today is Rick's 32nd B'day. I just wanted to wish him another happy birthday. We have been together for 12 years (married for almost 8) and it has been very exciting to watch him grow into the Godly man that he has become. He is a wonderful husband, dad, and friend and we all love him very much. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK!

Piano Lessons

Aiden had his first piano lesson yesterday. He was very excited. He has never met a stranger so when we walked in to meet the teacher she asked his name. He said, "My name is Aiden and I am going to take a piano lesson today." She asked him lots of questions getting a general idea of what all he knows, colors, numbers, ABC's, etc. He gladly answered all of her questions and often added to with unnecessary comments. It will be a very slow process, but we are going to try it out. He was excited to tell his Daddy what all he had learned. When she tried to get him to actually play the notes, quarter notes, which get one beat, he just wanted to continue hitting the same key over and over. He also played the piano to his own little tune while he recited his alphebet to her! Keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

VBS Again

Again, I ran across this video of Aiden at VBS on stage doing the theme song and motions. I thought he was so cute. He loves to sing! Notice the gum chewing action.

Aiden's Mohawk

I ran across this video when I was looking for some other pics. Did not even realize I had it. Anyway, it brought back a lot of memories. I am not sure how old he was, but I think maybe a little less than two or right at it. Thought I would share.

River Rats

We had the advantage of slipping away to the camper at Pickensville for one night (actually to work) a couple of weekends ago. We (me, rick and the kids) went down on Friday afternoon, so we were able to take the kids to the sand bar to swim for an hour or so. It was so nice. We were the only ones in the water. It was so peaceful and the water was perfect. The kids had a blast! Aiden enjoying the nice cool water.
Allee digging in the mud. Surprised it's not in her mouth!

Our float had escaped and daddy and the kids had to go get it. Allee stuck her tongue out instead of "miling" (smiling).

Allee thinks she is a BOY!

Although this picture doesn't do it justice, Allee has shown recent interest in potty training! BUT, not the right way. Every time Aiden needs to go potty, Allee runs with excitement to watch and says, "I tee-tee." Except, she pulls her little shirt up, pokes her belly out and pretends to "tee-tee" like Big Brother! I always sit her on the potty when we get a chance and she "strains" when I do that. I guess she thinks sitting is just for Number 2 like Big Brother. I thought girls were easier! I guess not when they have a different example to follow!

Aiden is a BIG BOY!

We went to the doctor for a well-baby 3 year check up yesterday. Aiden weighed 33 pounds (Allee weighs 25!) and was 38 inches tall! He loves to go see Dr. "Rob". When we got there, the nurse took us into the triage room to weigh him and take vitals. He, of course, was talking her head off. She took his blood pressure and he said, "Man, that is getting really tight." When she went to take his pulse she told him she was going to feel his heart beat in his arm. He quickly corrected her and told her where his heart was. Then he said that he had a big heart (in his chest) and a little heart (in his wrist). He answered all of her questions by himself. When she was finished, she was going to put him in a room and said, "Okay, now you can go play." He said, very boldly for all the other doctors and nurses to hear, "No, I can't go yet. I have to see Dr. Rob." It was just too cute! This picture was taken the other day at our house when I actually felt like cooking supper. Allee was napping and I asked Aiden if he wanted to help. He was so excited. I actually have a video that I will try to post later, so keep checking for updates, even old ones. He washed and peeled the potatoes. I have a pampered chef safety knife and he tried cutting up tomatoes, but that didn't work very well. Either way, he had a blast. He also helped me load the dishwasher! He is just really growing up! Thanks for your help Aiden! Mommy loves you!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Aiden's 1st Wedding

I know it has been a while since I have know my camera issues. Anyway, Aiden was in a wedding on July 14th. His daddy performed the wedding and Allee and I just observed. I was so proud of him and how handsome he looked. He was so excited. I did not get to attend rehersal because it was our last night of VBS, but he went with his dad. On the big day, he couldn't wait to put on his special suit. It was a long day and I was a little concerned about his sleep patterns because he is cranky if sleepy, but all went well. I could not have asked for him to walk down the aisle any better. He did fumble with the pillow a little during the ceremony, but fortunate for him, daddy is real quick. At the end, he was to walk with the flower girls. They both wanted to hold his hand, but he decided he needed a hand for his pillow, so he proceded to tell the girl (as he thought she was taking his pillow) that it was his pillow and she couldn't have it...yes, in the front of everyone. But at least he whispered! Then, he walked hand in hand with her down the aisle. I just melted.

Aren't my men handsome!!!