Monday, November 9, 2009


I am thankful that Evan fell asleep for a nap. God knew that my "to do" list was too big to accomplish without the nap!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Honest Scrap Award

Thanks to my friend Angie at

Here are the rules for the award:
1) You must thank the person who gave the award and list their blog and link it.
2) You must share "10 Honest Things" about yourself.
3) You have to present this award to 7 others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
4) Last, you must tell those 7 people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP and inform them of these guidelines in receiving the award.

10 Honest Things:
1. I love Jesus.
2. I love Mt. Dew. Can hardly go a day without one!
3. I can't stand to unload the dishwasher. I would rather wash the dishes by hand.
4. I love to sleep in (even though I never get to).
5. I still love going on dates with my wonderful husband.
6. I love having meetings. I know that sounds weird, but it gives my that feeling of accomplishment.
7. I can't stand junk mail, phone solicitors, etc. I hang up on the phone people that don't speak instantly, and I don't feel bad about it anymore.
8. I love to read, just don't get to do it enough.
9. I would love to have a few more kids....IF I was rich and had started having them a lot younger in life.
10. I can honestly say, I think my family is complete!

I am thankful

1. I am thankful for my salvation.
2. I am thankful for my family.
3. I am thankful for my blogging friends.
4. I am thankful for my church family and friends.
5. I am thankful for my home.
6. I am thankful for my GODLY husband.
7. I am thankful that God called me and my husband into the ministry.
8. I am thankful for GREAT parents and in-laws.

Just a Thought

If we could all go back to thinking the thoughts of a child, the world would be a better place to live!

As most of you know, we are transitioning into Allee getting her own room. We live in a 3 bedroom house, and Allee was sleeping in Aiden's room, while Evan's babybed was in her room and he had no room! Now that Evan is out of the babybed, the boys are sharing and Allee is excitedly getting her own room.

My SIL was gracious enough to give us a twin bed and told us we could paint it or whatever. The bed needs freshening up just a bit and I am excited about doing this for Allee to make it special to her. However, my dreams for doing the room, bed, etc. all at one time and having a big "surprise" revealing are not going to come true. Allee was so excited about the bed that we put it up and put her in her unfinished room.

When I told Allee not to worry about how it all looked, that Mommy was going to fix it up with paint, she said, "You don't have to paint it. I like it like it is. It is beautiful." The room is mismatched and thrown together right now. But, everytime someone comes over that hasn't seen it, she proudly announces, "Do you want to come see MY NEW ROOM?"

When she did that today, it made me think about how ungrateful most of us are. We think everything has to be perfect and well put together. We think we have to give everything a "fresh coat of make-up", so to speak, in order for us to use it. This includes new Christians, new friends, and even material things like clothes and furniture. Now, don't get me wrong, we should all take care of ourselves and our posessions that God has blessed us with, but that CAN'T be the most important thing. My little girl showed me how we are guilty of teaching our children at a young age to expect nothing but the best, however, the best is different in a child's eyes. Let' be careful to keep that true! Kids don't see materialistic differences! When does that change? When do they learn to look down their nose at others and what they have or don't have? I fear that is a learned behavior. And sometimes, unfortunately, that behavior is learned from their parents.

Thanks, Allee, for opening my eyes and for keeping things so simple. Be proud of who you are and what God has blessed you with, no matter what that may be!