Saturday, November 3, 2007

Funnies from the kids

Just a quick update on some sayings from the kids...

Allee is beginning to really come out of her shell and I don't know that it is a good thing. The other day I came home from work and she and Aiden were suppose to be playing outside with Daddy. Aiden had went in for milk and stayed on the couch watching cartoons instead of returning outside to play with Allee. When she and I went in, I parked on the couch to rest but she wanted to go outside with Aiden. She layed over on the stool in front of him, blocking his view from the TV and began to yell..."Ai-den...Ai-den, we'ts go outside....(over and over). He has a really bad habit of completely ignoring you... She finally got irritated and pointed her little finger at him and said, "You hear me Ai-den? We'ts go outside!" It was too cute. Of course he still ignored her!

She has also gotten into the habit of saying "TIMEOUT" when kids are being mean to her. I guess she hears me threaten Aiden so much, she just thinks that if you are being ugly, she should be able to put you in timeout. She is learning a lot from her brother and not all good things. He is a really good big brother though! I just wish he could potty train her!

Aiden is just getting sweeter as he grows up. Allee has started wanting me to hold her and lay down with her at night. The other night, she was really crying when I said I was about to leave and even got up and followed me. When I put her back in bed and she was still crying, I kissed her and Aiden and told them I loved them and would see them in the morning. Aiden usually crys or whines a little too. But, instead, he wrapped his arms around Allee's neck and said, "It's okay Allee, it's okay. Goodnight Mom, I love you. Shhh, Allee, it's gonna be okay." Almost teary eyed, I left the room and sat on the couch for a few seconds to wait on Allee to come find me...but she quit crying and I didn't see the two of them again until the next morning. It was so sweet. He is really growing up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you've got a little man on your hands. how precious. i know you're proud.