I always plan to make picture early and get my cards out early and every year something interferes. I am not one to disappoint, so here I go again. Aiden was so easy and photogentic (sp?) as a baby. When Allee came along, I was too stessed and busy to take many pictures...add that to the stubborn streak in her and photo taking is not much fun with my two anymore. MiMi was available yesterday, so we headed off for our photo shoot. I haven't picked out the best ones for my card(I pray I got at least one), but I thought these showed my kids personalities so I wanted to share a few.
This look is typical for Allee when you ask her to do anything...like..."look at the camera, or pick up your toys...or give Mommy your pacy." She also hates it when Aiden trys to hug her if she isn't offering the love.
My intentions here was for a cute pic of them kissing, but Aiden went all into it and got his head in the way. He isn't very good at following instructions and I have to snap quick or Allee runs away!
This is my favorite! We were at Capital Park and Aiden had just been picked up from school. He had already ask if he could play and we kept putting him off and saying, "just one more picture." Well, MiMi wanted him to sit and he wanted to jump, etc. so she threatened him! This was him pouting while he mumbled that he was "aggravated and mad" at MiMi for being mean to him!
There's my angels. Allee has a beautiful smile that I can NEVER capture on camera!
Overall, it was good! The kids are just so full of energy and I am NOT! I haven't had a good night's sleep in a really long time, and don't anticipate one when number 3 arrives. MiMi and I were worn out when all was said and done. Aiden went down for a nap immediately. Allee, who had just woke up, stayed up, which may have helped her last night by letting me sleep until 6 a.m. Yea!
Amanda, your children are beautiful and I love reading the blogs of Aiden's funny tales. It reminds me of Josh Lawson. Hope that doesn't scare you!
They are so cute and Aiden is hilarious!! -Crystal E.
Hey Amanda,
I just got caught up on all the stories. Too funny! I love the pictures too. That last one is precious!
Love you!
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