Just thought I would post a quick pic of our Fall Festival at church. We had CRAZY HAIR night since it went over so well at VBS this year.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
3 "Bumps", You're Out!
We had a small gathering for Aiden's Fall Baseball team at our FLC tonight. My kids were exhausted from our visit with NaNa Boo-Boo and Granny Earnest and NO NAP! By no planning of our own, the "bouncy things" we rented for our annual Community Fish Fry on Sat had not been picked up yet and we had those available for play. Evan, who has grown quite fond of balls, was making himself at home in the midst of the court, making all the other Moms extremely nervous with his walking on the cement floor. I had already been questioned after Evan's first fall of being knocked down accidentally, how often he falls, to which I replied, "they fall all the time. We are just used to it." Famous last words. I had just stepped back from Evan's small fall when I catch a quick glimpse of A & A falling from one of the bouncy ramps. Allee fell face first off the top side and Aiden fell backward, rolling from the top! Daddy was carrying on conversation with other Dads while me and all other moms take off running to rescue my babies. I NEVER PANIC! I am just used to the drama, usually, but the "thud" on the cement made me think otherwise this time. I got Allee, who had not even let her cry out yet...you know what I mean! I had to scold Rick, who was casually walking over, prob thinking Aiden was carrying on, and let him know that this was a REAL injury and I needed his help. I let Aiden for him while I got ice for Allee. End of that story.....Allee has black knot on forehead, Aiden has LARGE BUMP on back of head. His hair was puffed out and he said it hurt to lay on his pillow tonight! So, we carry on with the party. We have retreated to the kitchen area and "tile" flooring. Evan is walking around while I am cleaning up. I hear a "thud" and a "ping." He has hit his mouth on the metal leg of a folding table. I see blood, but with pacy in hand, he is fine in a few seconds. Later, bath time: Rick is dressing Evan who is laying flat in his lap and his makes the bold statement that he thinks he "chipped a tooth." I run to see, and sure enough, the fall had chipped two of his front teeth, pretty badly! So, in one night, all at a baseball pizza party, all three suffer brutal injuries! Guess we had to "take three for the team".
Thursday, November 6, 2008
State Meeting
Hello from Dothan, AL...home of the Peanut Festival. Rick and I are enjoying our annual Free Will Baptist State Meeting. We arrived yesterday afternoon, after arranging child care for our three children so that we could make the evening service. Yes... you read right. I left ALL THREE children at home. I know everyone may not agree with that, but thanks to loving, wonderful grandparents, we were able to come and focus on God for a couple of days while the children have fun time with NaNa's! THANK YOU! Although we haven't received much physical rest, I have recieved emotional and spiritual rest and renewal, and for that, I am truly thankful. God is so good to us. He really keeps me in line! I have the opportunity to attend a WAC (women active for Christ) meeting this morning and spent a while talking with precious young pastors' wives after the evening service about ways to minister to our ladies in our churches! I am so excited about the work God is doing in our churches. In a time where there is lots of uncertainty, I am so thankful that God has given us complete reassurance of His goodness and His Spirit! He IS still in control, no matter what the world may look like and I believe, now more than ever, that His return is SOON! I am guilty of getting caught up in the daily chores that life throws our way, and I am sure I will continue to be guilty of that, but my hearts desire is to keep the TRUE task first, and that is SERVING and WINNING souls for CHRIST! He is our KING and although I will respect the authority of our new president, I will WORSHIP AND HONOR MY KING JESUS and I challenge all of you to do the same!
If you don't know HIM, please ask someone, call me, or just pray....either way....seek and ye shall find!
If you don't know HIM, please ask someone, call me, or just pray....either way....seek and ye shall find!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Week at a Glance
What a week. Seems so much has happened since last Sunday when I posted. Evan is TRULY walking or running rather, all over the place! He is just the cutest thing. He has learned, on his own, to throw a ball, say "Ball", point his finger, say "get" (to the kitty) and how to explore in the toilet (of course). He seems to be growing up so fast. I think he has quite the little temper for a 10 month old. Aiden loves to wrestle with him and he lets you know real quick when he has had enough with a high pitch squeal.
Aiden's personality continues to shine through. Rick was eating a honeybun or something sweet the other night, and Aiden came by, stuck his hand out and said, "I'll have that, Dad." He thinks he is a teenager already and he especially thinks he is Allee's boss! I know none of you have kids like that! lol.
Allee is still in her own little world, when she is not in mine! I mean that literally. People at church call her my "growth" b/c she seems to always be attached to my hip! She isn't eating good lately and is trying to quit milk all together! I've even tried Chocolate, she just prefers juice. Any suggestions? I hate milk and mom didn't force me as a child. Rick loves it and wants our kids to continue to drink it for the calories and nutrition, which is great, but she is being difficult.
I may spoil this by writing it, but we have actually had an entire week of ALL NIGHT sleeping, for the most part. IT IS AMAZING! Of course, we have still be exhausted b/c I was sick Sund, Evan sick Mon, Hot water heater broke Mon, church directory pictures Tues, Church Fall Festival Wed..... Friday, Batman (Aiden), Super Girl (Allee) and SpiderMan (Evan) swooped into the country for a couple of quick family stops and more candy than one can imagine. They had a great time. Thanks to all the family for the fun night! We also made a walk down sorority row on University Campus to see the lawn decorations. That was a blast. Hopefully I can post pictures soon. Ya'll know how it is!
Aiden's personality continues to shine through. Rick was eating a honeybun or something sweet the other night, and Aiden came by, stuck his hand out and said, "I'll have that, Dad." He thinks he is a teenager already and he especially thinks he is Allee's boss! I know none of you have kids like that! lol.
Allee is still in her own little world, when she is not in mine! I mean that literally. People at church call her my "growth" b/c she seems to always be attached to my hip! She isn't eating good lately and is trying to quit milk all together! I've even tried Chocolate, she just prefers juice. Any suggestions? I hate milk and mom didn't force me as a child. Rick loves it and wants our kids to continue to drink it for the calories and nutrition, which is great, but she is being difficult.
I may spoil this by writing it, but we have actually had an entire week of ALL NIGHT sleeping, for the most part. IT IS AMAZING! Of course, we have still be exhausted b/c I was sick Sund, Evan sick Mon, Hot water heater broke Mon, church directory pictures Tues, Church Fall Festival Wed..... Friday, Batman (Aiden), Super Girl (Allee) and SpiderMan (Evan) swooped into the country for a couple of quick family stops and more candy than one can imagine. They had a great time. Thanks to all the family for the fun night! We also made a walk down sorority row on University Campus to see the lawn decorations. That was a blast. Hopefully I can post pictures soon. Ya'll know how it is!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Evan's Boo Boo
So, you all know how it is to keep a little one who thinks he can walk better than he actually can from getting injured! This was the weekend for boo boos! It started Friday night when he got 3 bumps on his nogging while taking a bath b/c he will not sit down. We followed that up with bigger boo boo last night. My mom had stopped by and Evan was standing at the glass front door waving frantically Bye-Bye to NaNa. As she was driving off, he lost interest and went to turn,sit,crawl at the same time, causing a slip and bumping his eye on a screw sticking out of the cylinder. When he screamed, I knew I would see a knot, but I didn't expect the blood. Of course, the face bleeds more than any other body part, so it appeared a little worse than it was. He has a small puncture type wound above his right eye, right on the edge of his brow. ***Now here is where my funny Aiden comes in.***Being the "injury fixer" that I am....and I love to fix the cuts, scrapes, etc. when I am working, I was discussing with Rick on what I should do, pros and cons of each scenario, and taking into consideration that I am dealing with a 10 mo old, not a teenager. Aiden is standing by taking it all in. I am considering, then re-considering, reasoning in my mind out loud(some of my best friends know how in-decisive I am...I honestly don't know how I survive), when Aiden very matter-of-factly says..."Your a trainer, Mom, just put some tape on it." I guess that wouldn't be so cute to me if I didn't hear that from all the coaches when I am holding a kid out for a legitimate injury! MEN, they learn so quickly the easy way to "fix" things!!!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Snake Bite?
Okay, those of you who know my Aiden will love this! Rick, Aiden, Allee and I went to the River on Monday and Tuesday since the kids were out of school on Monday. Somehow, Allee ended up with an injured big toe. (It has turned black and has a cut underneath, of course, we never knew she had gotten hurt so we have no idea what happened.) Well, Mrs. Sherry came to church tonight asking if I had heard what happened. Apparently, Mrs. Angie (Aiden's teacher) got someone to sit with her class in the middle of the day to come to Mrs. Sherry's room (Allee's teacher) to check on Allee. She asked Sherry how Allee was doing and was under the impression that she was out of school. Sherry said, "No, she's fine. She is right here." Aiden had told Mrs. Angie that Allee had been bit by a snack and was sick. Mrs. Angie was really concerned and he had made her believe him! Sherry burst into laughter (she knows Aiden well) and welcomed Mrs. Angie into Aiden's world of big stories! Of course, I call this a lie....the teachers say it is a big imagination! Call it what you want, but it is kinda scary that my "4" year old can convince an adult and teacher of more than 10 years that his sister had really been snake bit!
EVAN IS WALKING! He is so funnny! His steps are not consistent, but he is walking a good bit. I have counted 11 steps at once, but he tries running. He is also cutting his eye teeth, both at the same time, so no sleep for us, once again. He looks so big! I think he weighs 20lbs, but not sure. He is saying more words each day! You should see him dance to the Wiggles! Neither of my other two ever noticed the TV, but he loves music shows of any kind!
Aiden has moved to the top bunk as Allee continues to make us feel sorry for her because..."I don't have a bed or a room." Maybe soon!
EVAN IS WALKING! He is so funnny! His steps are not consistent, but he is walking a good bit. I have counted 11 steps at once, but he tries running. He is also cutting his eye teeth, both at the same time, so no sleep for us, once again. He looks so big! I think he weighs 20lbs, but not sure. He is saying more words each day! You should see him dance to the Wiggles! Neither of my other two ever noticed the TV, but he loves music shows of any kind!
Aiden has moved to the top bunk as Allee continues to make us feel sorry for her because..."I don't have a bed or a room." Maybe soon!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Over due Post
Wow! Where do I start. As I was reviewing pics on my camera, I realized that I didn't take hardly any pics the entire month of Sept. Anyway, just a few updates.
Evan is growing so fast. He is 9 months now. BTW - view our 9 month pics at kimlawsonphotography.com . He is taking steps, singing, clapping, "talking" up a storm and even sassing a little. I have had to start telling him, "No, No" to which he responds very loudly and matter of factly.."ma ma" as if he is saying NoNo right back! He loves the sandbox. It is so cute to see the three of them in the sandbox together. Reminds me of when we were kids.
Evan is growing so fast. He is 9 months now. BTW - view our 9 month pics at kimlawsonphotography.com . He is taking steps, singing, clapping, "talking" up a storm and even sassing a little. I have had to start telling him, "No, No" to which he responds very loudly and matter of factly.."ma ma" as if he is saying NoNo right back! He loves the sandbox. It is so cute to see the three of them in the sandbox together. Reminds me of when we were kids.
This is him last night in the tub. His hair is getting so long and I just couldn't resist!
Don't he look so big in his little hat!
Shelby Lynn Tralick (as allee always calls her) and Allee Beth are taking gymnastics together. This is them on their first day of tumbling! Allee calls it "nastics."
Another funny hair picture of Evan! Me, Evan and Rick went to the River a couple of weeks ago to do a few things at the camper and the day was so beautiful we rode with the windows down on the way home. This is the result! It was so nice.
Aiden is playing Fall Ball for the first time and Daddy is the coach. This is our first game. (As I type this, I am remembering why I didn't get to take many pictures this month. We have been running crazy). He was so cute. We have had a great season. This Fall was very laid back. We didn't keep score and let everyone bat, regardless of number of outs, etc. The kids loved it. We did have a "pile up" in the out field in the first game and Aiden ran from home to the pitcher mound in the game the other day, but they really have learned a lot! And most importantly, they are having fun!

Addison (my great-niece) came to visit my Mom's while my kids were there. Evan is two months older than her. Can't tell by the size, huh? Aren't they cute!

That's all for now! Hopefully it won't be long before the next post!
That's all for now! Hopefully it won't be long before the next post!
Oh, yeah! I celebrated my 32nd B'day last Thursday. The kids got me a cake (which they ate all of) and me and my mom went for long overdue spa appointments and shopping. It was a wonderful day!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Big Day for the Taylor House
What a day! We have had very busy weeks lately, with me filling in at work again and all of the kids STILL being sick with allergy. BUT, today was different. I finally had an off day (I have been working including Saturday's) a lot. So I decided that Allee would wear big girl panties all day, no matter what. AND SHE DID! She did not have on single accident. We even had to travel to Fayette for Aiden's first Baseball game. We were getting ready to go and I had a pull up laid out to put on her. She started crying and said, "No, I'm not wearing that. I already have panties on." So against my better judgement, I let her travel in panites, with an extra suit with me. She saw me packing the shorts and questioned me by saying, "Why you putting those in the bag? I already got shorts on." So off we go.
Aiden's first Game: Picture this....Rick coaches, so he's getting coolers, bags, balls, bats...out of truck; Aiden fell asleep on the way; Evan on my hip with a runny nose; Allee in the front of the stroller; sleeping Aiden with ball uniform and all, in the back; Mommy pushing stroller with one hand and holding Evan with other! We look like the Brady Bunch walking in! One of the Mom's came to my rescue and got Evan until we settled in, then NaNa and Pop rescued him. I spent most of the time back and forth to the bathroom with Allee, and Aiden had to rely on Coach Dad to help him out. Of course, his first at bat, he was on deck and declared he needed to potty (even though that was suppose to be taken care of earlier), but he waited! They were all so cute. He hit the ball well every time, but got a little sided tracked in the out field. Our team actually had a pile up in the field. Looked good if it had been a football game instead. But we did well for our first game and most importantly, the kids had a blast! Thanks to everyone who made game number 1 a hit!
Tomorrow - I get to go on a quest for "Fire Star" panties! (Spiderman's sidekick...) Don't think I am going to have any luck, but for the day we had, it's worth a try!
Aiden's first Game: Picture this....Rick coaches, so he's getting coolers, bags, balls, bats...out of truck; Aiden fell asleep on the way; Evan on my hip with a runny nose; Allee in the front of the stroller; sleeping Aiden with ball uniform and all, in the back; Mommy pushing stroller with one hand and holding Evan with other! We look like the Brady Bunch walking in! One of the Mom's came to my rescue and got Evan until we settled in, then NaNa and Pop rescued him. I spent most of the time back and forth to the bathroom with Allee, and Aiden had to rely on Coach Dad to help him out. Of course, his first at bat, he was on deck and declared he needed to potty (even though that was suppose to be taken care of earlier), but he waited! They were all so cute. He hit the ball well every time, but got a little sided tracked in the out field. Our team actually had a pile up in the field. Looked good if it had been a football game instead. But we did well for our first game and most importantly, the kids had a blast! Thanks to everyone who made game number 1 a hit!
Tomorrow - I get to go on a quest for "Fire Star" panties! (Spiderman's sidekick...) Don't think I am going to have any luck, but for the day we had, it's worth a try!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I know it has been a while, busy, busy week. For someone who quit her job, I have been working an awful lot this past week. My boss is having some family sickness and I am filling in for her.
Aiden stricks again ------
This morning, I was taking the kids to school. They have all had bad allergy attacks, runny nose, cough, you know...we all have it. Aiden has a HORRIBLE cough. As we were driving in this morning, he had been coughing since we left home. I had already asked if he needed me to take him to see Dr. Rob and he did! Then, out of the blue he said, "I am W-S-U-S- Sick!" "What?" I said. He spelled it again. I said, "What does that spell Aiden?" "It spells, SICK, Mom, That's what I am." I corrected his spelling and he was content with that. It was so cute. I guess you never realize how much you spell in front of your kids.
A couple of nights ago, we were reading our books and they had picked a song book. Aiden and I were singing, "I have decided to follow Jesus." The book had five verses. He was keeping up with me on the verses until the third verse and he had no clue, had never heard it. As I was repeating it for the third time, he stopped and looked at me with the most serious look and said, "Mom, I think this song is in Spanish."
One more....Same night, we were talking about not being afraid of the dark..b/c he really is. I was explaining how we have to stay in bed and how God will watch over us and all that...He was still resisting me leaving the room. I finally asked, "Aiden, why do you want me too stay in here with you so badly. You have sissy." He did his little finger motion for me to lean in closer so he could whisper in my ear. He said in a whisper, "It's because I am gonna marry you when I get big." Now as flattering as that is, I had to quickly explain that mommy is already married to daddy and he would have to choose another wife when he gets big, but it is nice to know you are loved. Then Allee chimed in, "I married Shelby yes-er-day!" That just reaffirms to me that they have no idea what they are talking about!
Aiden stricks again ------
This morning, I was taking the kids to school. They have all had bad allergy attacks, runny nose, cough, you know...we all have it. Aiden has a HORRIBLE cough. As we were driving in this morning, he had been coughing since we left home. I had already asked if he needed me to take him to see Dr. Rob and he did! Then, out of the blue he said, "I am W-S-U-S- Sick!" "What?" I said. He spelled it again. I said, "What does that spell Aiden?" "It spells, SICK, Mom, That's what I am." I corrected his spelling and he was content with that. It was so cute. I guess you never realize how much you spell in front of your kids.
A couple of nights ago, we were reading our books and they had picked a song book. Aiden and I were singing, "I have decided to follow Jesus." The book had five verses. He was keeping up with me on the verses until the third verse and he had no clue, had never heard it. As I was repeating it for the third time, he stopped and looked at me with the most serious look and said, "Mom, I think this song is in Spanish."
One more....Same night, we were talking about not being afraid of the dark..b/c he really is. I was explaining how we have to stay in bed and how God will watch over us and all that...He was still resisting me leaving the room. I finally asked, "Aiden, why do you want me too stay in here with you so badly. You have sissy." He did his little finger motion for me to lean in closer so he could whisper in my ear. He said in a whisper, "It's because I am gonna marry you when I get big." Now as flattering as that is, I had to quickly explain that mommy is already married to daddy and he would have to choose another wife when he gets big, but it is nice to know you are loved. Then Allee chimed in, "I married Shelby yes-er-day!" That just reaffirms to me that they have no idea what they are talking about!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Going, Going...
Evan is growing up so fast. I can't believe how big he is getting and how quickly time is passing by. I let him enjoy biter biscuits or cookies in his highchair when I am needing to get something done without his help. He is all over the place. Here is a picture of him after a biter biscuit.
Getting pictures of your kids first day at school out of a window in the car line is difficult, but I did capture one picture of Aiden and Allee leaving pre-school for the first day! Allee loves school and Aiden does too. I love the time alone with Evan. I feel like I am finally getting to know him and his personality.
Happy 3rd Birthday to Shelby...Allee's BF. Shelby had a "Horton Hears a Who" party. Too cute.
Our children from Church went to the Splash Pad on Saturday. We had a great time.

Friday, August 15, 2008
We have been missing our morning Bible story since school has been back in, so I have been skipping bedtime story and replacing with Bible story. I have started the old fashioned Children's Bible Story book that you used to find in doctor's offices when you were kids. Or at least I did. I loved looking at the pictures in it. Anyway, we are starting at the beginning and working our way through. You all know how Aiden is. Since we began this study, he has hung to every word I say. He loves to be read to and can remember anything. So, I quiz him often, just to make sure he is getting it. Tonight's story was on Moses leaving Egypt and the ten plagues. I knew that Aiden has studied this before in Sunday School, so I asked, "Aiden, what is a plague?" Now, you gotta understand, Allee is usually in la-la land during story time. She is the type that is playing with this, looking at that, interupting here and there, but every once in a while, when you don't think she is listening, she chimes in. As was the case tonight. Before Aiden even had a chance to answer, Allee SANG, (not said), "I "plague" allegiance to the Christian flag." I am not kidding. It was the cutest thing. I am still laughing as I write this because it was so funny.
I think Evan may walk soon. That little booger is into everything! He is growing so fast. Where did my baby go?
Please pray for sleep in our house. He is still having trouble. I guess that is something I am just "blessed" with!
Also, just wanted to put a little plug in for my Lord. God is so good. I have been able to really grasp how good He is, even through the trials and things we all face, lately. I have been able to really focus on Him and spending more time with Him and I have been blessed everyday. I have been trying to focus on positive things and boy, does that make your day go so much better. I hope each of you can find the good in your life and realize what a true blessing it is to even be living!!!!
I think Evan may walk soon. That little booger is into everything! He is growing so fast. Where did my baby go?
Please pray for sleep in our house. He is still having trouble. I guess that is something I am just "blessed" with!
Also, just wanted to put a little plug in for my Lord. God is so good. I have been able to really grasp how good He is, even through the trials and things we all face, lately. I have been able to really focus on Him and spending more time with Him and I have been blessed everyday. I have been trying to focus on positive things and boy, does that make your day go so much better. I hope each of you can find the good in your life and realize what a true blessing it is to even be living!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
First Day of Preschool
WOW! Allee started pre-school three mornings a week today! I was worried that she may cry, but she didn't. I let Rick take her in and I videoed her walking in, hand in hand with Big Brother, backpack and all. So cute. I am so proud of her and Aiden. I know she is going to have a great time and it will be good for her to be away from me a few hours a week. Thank the Lord for our deacon's wife and Allee's Sunday School teacher who works at the pre-school and will actually be teaching Allee this year. Seems like just yesterday when she was Aiden's teacher. Allee loves her dearly so I don't have a hard time leaving her.
Evan cut his second tooth on Monday after four days of fussing and not sleeping at night. He finally got two good nights sleep, then the screaming at night started again on Wed. I found another possible spot of teething Thur morning. He seems miserable, especially at night. We have used: Motrin, teething tablets, orajel....any other suggestions would be appreciated. During the day he wants me to hold him more, but he can usually be comforted with a popsicle or something, but nightime is different. He wakes in a scream nearly every two hours.
Evan cut his second tooth on Monday after four days of fussing and not sleeping at night. He finally got two good nights sleep, then the screaming at night started again on Wed. I found another possible spot of teething Thur morning. He seems miserable, especially at night. We have used: Motrin, teething tablets, orajel....any other suggestions would be appreciated. During the day he wants me to hold him more, but he can usually be comforted with a popsicle or something, but nightime is different. He wakes in a scream nearly every two hours.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sorry for the inconvenience. I am changing my comments because of the spam I have been getting lately. I apologize, but I do hope you all keep leaving comments.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Allee in Crystals Weddings
Pictures from the Past
Well, not really the past, but our Summer. Seems like a long time ago....
Stay with me as a try to re-cap some of our summer.
VBS Dress Up night -
Greetings from West Virginia
Well, we have been here since Saturday night, today is Wednesday, and we leave tomorrow. I am really missing my babies, but other than that, we are having a blast. The trip up here was uneventful and quite pleasant. I actually had some time to think, read, and sleep. The conference has been everything that I spiritually anticipated. It is so nice to be in a group of over 7,000 other believers who are worshipping Jesus. I have had the opportunity to participate in the mass choir each night which is a better experience than I can describe. The music is just awesome, but that is my favorite way to worship.
Aiden has been enjoying himself. Of course, bed time is all messed up. Each night when we go "home" as he calls it, he and Jacob can't wait to see who gets to build the tunnel with the pillows first! They have been bouncing off the walls.
Back home, Allee and Evan are doing great. Allee, of course, has been using the potty for each person she stays with, with only a couple of accidents. Amazing how much better your children are for other people. I don't think Evan has missed me at all. They did say, when Allee and Evan got back together on Monday that he just about ate her up with excitement and kisses. So sweet.
Spiritually, here, God has really been speaking to me. Mostly about personal things within my own spirituality, but also my family and church. God has called us to serve Him, to worship Him, to love Him, but we can't do that until we get self out of the way and actually spend time with HIM. I can't make my family be Godly or spiritual or happy...but God can. Through Him, my family can be everything He wants it to be, but it's not about ME. It's all about HIM. My prayer is that I can continue to meditate upon that every day and allow God to change me into the person He wants me to be, so that I can be a better Mom, teacher, wifte, etc. to the people in my life.
I just found these computers, so hopefully I can get a chance to come back for an update and pictures!!
Until then....God loves you!
Aiden has been enjoying himself. Of course, bed time is all messed up. Each night when we go "home" as he calls it, he and Jacob can't wait to see who gets to build the tunnel with the pillows first! They have been bouncing off the walls.
Back home, Allee and Evan are doing great. Allee, of course, has been using the potty for each person she stays with, with only a couple of accidents. Amazing how much better your children are for other people. I don't think Evan has missed me at all. They did say, when Allee and Evan got back together on Monday that he just about ate her up with excitement and kisses. So sweet.
Spiritually, here, God has really been speaking to me. Mostly about personal things within my own spirituality, but also my family and church. God has called us to serve Him, to worship Him, to love Him, but we can't do that until we get self out of the way and actually spend time with HIM. I can't make my family be Godly or spiritual or happy...but God can. Through Him, my family can be everything He wants it to be, but it's not about ME. It's all about HIM. My prayer is that I can continue to meditate upon that every day and allow God to change me into the person He wants me to be, so that I can be a better Mom, teacher, wifte, etc. to the people in my life.
I just found these computers, so hopefully I can get a chance to come back for an update and pictures!!
Until then....God loves you!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Check ups
Evan and Aiden had great check ups yesterday. Evan weighed 15.13 pounds. He said he looked great. Of course, he jumped around and laughed and cooed the whole time until shot time. After his shots he would not even look at the nurse. It was so funny.
Aiden weighed 36 pounds. He is such a mess. He wore an orange shirt to the visit. Well, Dr. Robinson, of course, is die hard Alabama so he was picking on him about the orange shirt. Aiden was just carrying on with him. Doc was asking me questions about things he could and couldn't do and Aiden was answering. I said, "Yeah, he's pretty smart." Doc said, "Well, you ain't too smart cause you're wearing an orange shirt." Aiden sulled up with his pouty face and turned his head to the wall. Those of you who have seen him do this know what I am talking about. I thought he would never un-sull. It was too cute. They made up before we left, though.
Allee's big thing right now is potty training. She WILL NOT poopy in the potty. We have numerous conversations, and still nothing. She will come and tell you after the fact. Yesterday, I came home and I thought I smelled her. I asked did she have on a bad pull up. She said, "Yes". I said, "Why did you do that." "Cause I want to". "Do you like having poopy in your pants?" "Yes." WE ARE GETTING NOWHERE. BUT, she is doing pretty good with the other. I know it takes time, but when she is big enough to come and ask you to change her, that is very frustrating.
Aiden weighed 36 pounds. He is such a mess. He wore an orange shirt to the visit. Well, Dr. Robinson, of course, is die hard Alabama so he was picking on him about the orange shirt. Aiden was just carrying on with him. Doc was asking me questions about things he could and couldn't do and Aiden was answering. I said, "Yeah, he's pretty smart." Doc said, "Well, you ain't too smart cause you're wearing an orange shirt." Aiden sulled up with his pouty face and turned his head to the wall. Those of you who have seen him do this know what I am talking about. I thought he would never un-sull. It was too cute. They made up before we left, though.
Allee's big thing right now is potty training. She WILL NOT poopy in the potty. We have numerous conversations, and still nothing. She will come and tell you after the fact. Yesterday, I came home and I thought I smelled her. I asked did she have on a bad pull up. She said, "Yes". I said, "Why did you do that." "Cause I want to". "Do you like having poopy in your pants?" "Yes." WE ARE GETTING NOWHERE. BUT, she is doing pretty good with the other. I know it takes time, but when she is big enough to come and ask you to change her, that is very frustrating.
Monday, July 14, 2008
This is how crazy I am...
Okay, I haven't updated in 2 months, so I finally do and I make a mistake. I got a phone call this a.m. asking me where I was going this weekend....News Flash...Nationals were in Little Rock LAST YEAR...I am going to Charleston, West Virginia THIS YEAR! Am I crazy or what!
Quick Story Time:
Evan is going to have the personality of the other two, I can already tell. He is crawling, or scooting, rather, so it is hard to keep him in one spot. After a long day on Sat, I was home alone putting the kids in for a bath and bed, etc. I put Evan in the living room floor to play while I ran to start the bath water and get P.J's out. I got a phone call in the process. While on the phone, running around crazy, I hear him kind of fussing. I go into the living room (no more than 2 min later) and look...NO EVAN. I start looking for him. For those of you who know where I live, my its not like my living room or house is huge and there are many places for him to go. I finally look back toward the wall, and somehow, the little booger had wedged his body under the love seat and his head under the end table that sits beside it. Had he not looked scared to death, I would have videoed or at least took a pic, but instead, I laughed and retrieved him to safety!
AIDEN: A couple of weeks ago, I went to help my niece move out of a 2nd floor apartment. I, of course, had to drag all three babies along with me. I left the older two running around, and watching us carry things up and down. The banister was an iron gate like fence, you know the type. We are standing in the apartment, Aiden is out on front, looking around, being Aiden, when I hear him scream. I go to see what is wrong. He has stuck his head through the rails and can't get it out. I knew he was okay, but he was terrified. (He panics easily...I DO NOT). I was laughing so hard I couldn't even think. I tried to pull and he would scream. I tried to pull the rails apart, but I was too weak. To make it even worse, there was a whole group of onlookers trying to help. One even mentioned calling the fire department. Finally, God sent a man by to read the water meter and he said, "Let me see if I can help." He came and put his foot on one rail and pulled the other one just slighty enough to let Aiden's ears get through! Thank the Lord, but in hindsights, it was the funniest thing ever! (I know, I am a terrible Mom).
I know Allee has done something equally as funny lately, but my mind is blank. It has been a total circus around our house lately. Non-stop comic show!
Quick Story Time:
Evan is going to have the personality of the other two, I can already tell. He is crawling, or scooting, rather, so it is hard to keep him in one spot. After a long day on Sat, I was home alone putting the kids in for a bath and bed, etc. I put Evan in the living room floor to play while I ran to start the bath water and get P.J's out. I got a phone call in the process. While on the phone, running around crazy, I hear him kind of fussing. I go into the living room (no more than 2 min later) and look...NO EVAN. I start looking for him. For those of you who know where I live, my its not like my living room or house is huge and there are many places for him to go. I finally look back toward the wall, and somehow, the little booger had wedged his body under the love seat and his head under the end table that sits beside it. Had he not looked scared to death, I would have videoed or at least took a pic, but instead, I laughed and retrieved him to safety!
AIDEN: A couple of weeks ago, I went to help my niece move out of a 2nd floor apartment. I, of course, had to drag all three babies along with me. I left the older two running around, and watching us carry things up and down. The banister was an iron gate like fence, you know the type. We are standing in the apartment, Aiden is out on front, looking around, being Aiden, when I hear him scream. I go to see what is wrong. He has stuck his head through the rails and can't get it out. I knew he was okay, but he was terrified. (He panics easily...I DO NOT). I was laughing so hard I couldn't even think. I tried to pull and he would scream. I tried to pull the rails apart, but I was too weak. To make it even worse, there was a whole group of onlookers trying to help. One even mentioned calling the fire department. Finally, God sent a man by to read the water meter and he said, "Let me see if I can help." He came and put his foot on one rail and pulled the other one just slighty enough to let Aiden's ears get through! Thank the Lord, but in hindsights, it was the funniest thing ever! (I know, I am a terrible Mom).
I know Allee has done something equally as funny lately, but my mind is blank. It has been a total circus around our house lately. Non-stop comic show!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Major Update
How pathetic I am when I look at the last update and all that has happened since then. I can't even begin to catch you all up, but here is a brief description of what we have been up to.
We had a trip to the River on Memorial Day weekend where Aiden celebrated his 4th Birthday. I can't even believe that. He had Spiderman everything and we all had a great time. Not every one could make the trip, but he was happy all the same. On our return from the river, we had two straight weeks of swim lessons with Coach Ann. Allee cried the first 2 days, but by day 3 was swimming like a fish. Aiden learned to free style. They both love the water, thank goodness! Allee is not afraid at all. Almost to the point it scares me.
We made a quick trip to the beach. We took my Mom and Briana along with us. We had so much fun. The kids loved the sand and the swimming pool and were very good on the trip. Evan developed some kind of weird sleeping habit while we were gone called, "I'd rather scream than sleep," so that wasn't very pleasant. The other bad thing was on the last morning there, we received a phone call that my Mom's house had burned....total loss. So the ride home was very long, knowing she was returning to nothing. For those of you who don't know, she had only been in this house for 4 years or so, after rebuilding from a tornado destroying the previous home. But, God is good and she is slowly putting the pieces back together. Overall, the beach was great and I enjoyed having the extra helpers!
The week we returned, we made another trip to the River for the 4th of July. Before we left, Rick's Dad had to have an operation and while we were there, we received bad news of a church member who had a bad seizure and was in critical condition. She has 3 small girls. The Monday after we returned back from the 4th, which was last week, was the beginning of our VBS. Fortunately, the young lady began to get better each day and after 8 days of unconciousness, regained conciousness and I actually spoke to her yesterday. GOD IS SO GOOD! She is a miracle.
VBS was wonderful, but tiring. We finished up on Friday night with a County Fair that was rained out, but every one still had a great time. We also had a group of 16 visit from another church this weekend.
We will leave this upcoming Saturday for our National Convention in Little Rock Arkansas.
Please pray for God's blessing on that trip and our family. As you see, we have had a busy summer and it isn't going to slow down at all. I am trying to hold it together and I really miss updating, but there has literally been no time to stop.
Evan and Aiden go for check ups tomorrow, so I will try to post those. Evan finally broke a tooth through. He has been crawling around all summer. Maybe that is why I have been so busy. I can't keep up with them all. I have several funny stories, and maybe by the time I get to update again, I will have enough in me to remember them and post them. Until then, pray I get some sleep!!!!!!!!!
We had a trip to the River on Memorial Day weekend where Aiden celebrated his 4th Birthday. I can't even believe that. He had Spiderman everything and we all had a great time. Not every one could make the trip, but he was happy all the same. On our return from the river, we had two straight weeks of swim lessons with Coach Ann. Allee cried the first 2 days, but by day 3 was swimming like a fish. Aiden learned to free style. They both love the water, thank goodness! Allee is not afraid at all. Almost to the point it scares me.
We made a quick trip to the beach. We took my Mom and Briana along with us. We had so much fun. The kids loved the sand and the swimming pool and were very good on the trip. Evan developed some kind of weird sleeping habit while we were gone called, "I'd rather scream than sleep," so that wasn't very pleasant. The other bad thing was on the last morning there, we received a phone call that my Mom's house had burned....total loss. So the ride home was very long, knowing she was returning to nothing. For those of you who don't know, she had only been in this house for 4 years or so, after rebuilding from a tornado destroying the previous home. But, God is good and she is slowly putting the pieces back together. Overall, the beach was great and I enjoyed having the extra helpers!
The week we returned, we made another trip to the River for the 4th of July. Before we left, Rick's Dad had to have an operation and while we were there, we received bad news of a church member who had a bad seizure and was in critical condition. She has 3 small girls. The Monday after we returned back from the 4th, which was last week, was the beginning of our VBS. Fortunately, the young lady began to get better each day and after 8 days of unconciousness, regained conciousness and I actually spoke to her yesterday. GOD IS SO GOOD! She is a miracle.
VBS was wonderful, but tiring. We finished up on Friday night with a County Fair that was rained out, but every one still had a great time. We also had a group of 16 visit from another church this weekend.
We will leave this upcoming Saturday for our National Convention in Little Rock Arkansas.
Please pray for God's blessing on that trip and our family. As you see, we have had a busy summer and it isn't going to slow down at all. I am trying to hold it together and I really miss updating, but there has literally been no time to stop.
Evan and Aiden go for check ups tomorrow, so I will try to post those. Evan finally broke a tooth through. He has been crawling around all summer. Maybe that is why I have been so busy. I can't keep up with them all. I have several funny stories, and maybe by the time I get to update again, I will have enough in me to remember them and post them. Until then, pray I get some sleep!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Mother's Day Reflection
I had a great day on Mother's Day. Aiden had made a card at school that literally made me cry. He is so sweet. Each night when I say my prayers I ask God to help me to be a Godly mother and I pray that my children will grow up to be Godly children, teenagers, young adults, etc. But, the other day as I was praying, it hit me like a ton of bricks that no matter what I try to make my children into, they are going to be likely to take on my traits, Rick's traits. They look up to us, mock us, pretend to be us! So, if I am Godly and present a Godly attitude all the time, then hopefully they will choose to follow in my footsteps. What a huge responsibility we have for not only ourselves, but especially our children.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Here is a semi-recent pic of Evan! He actually doesn't have that much hair anymore. He is getting so big. I have updated from several events over the last month. I am such a loser. Just can't get the pics up from home and actually had a chance to come use the office computer today. Scroll all the way down. I tried to keep the commentary brief since there was so much to cover. Thanks for looking.
River Rats
We had a chance to go to the River to clean up a little on Tues before the holidays. Aiden ask every single time we cross the lake if we are going to the River. He loves it. We took Aiden and Allee and got a sitter for Evan. We intended on letting the kids do some fishing, but when we arrived, we found the trace of outdoor critters inside our camper and spent the entire day vacuming and cleaning. Allee and Aiden were left to entertain themselves. We had a tarp over the camper for the winter and had it laid on the ground drying before folding. When I went outside to check on the kids, I found them with their fishing poles, standing in their wagon, FISHING! They were using the tarp as the water and the wagon was the boat. It was the cutest thing. Their poles aren't even rigged for fishing yet, which is probably a good thing considering Aiden kept getting his line tangled. Can you imagine how many times they would have hooked each other. The cutest thing was when Aiden came into the camper and I asked were they having fun fishing, he said, with a very serious look, "Yeah, but we ain't catching a thing!"

Fayette Park
MiMi came over last Wed before church with a watermelon in hand. My kids love watermelon and we were thankful, but I had already given the kids a bath! Mommy wanted to wait until after church, but MiMi won the battle! I did give her the privaledge of cleaning them both and dressing them for church after the event!
My First Haircut
Since my sister is my hairdresser, we don't get away with missing haircuts without being scolded. She convinced me that Allee's hair looked "ratty" and a small trim would make it look healthier and thicker. So we went to get a "trim". Allee did great. She loved it, and it helped that MiMi was the one doing the cutting. I have a small handful of blonde hair saved! Made mommy sad that this day was already here!
Golf Tournament
Our church hosted the 3rd annual golf tournament to raise funds for our Youth Blast that takes place in Aug. Rick didn't have a partner this year, so he chose one of the best...AIDEN! They had a blast. The little guy was exhausted, but hung in till the very end and didn't even fall asleep on the way home. He LOVES spending time with daddy and he is not a bad golfer. They played a 2 man scramble and I think he actually saved Dad on a couple of shots!
Aiden takes a shot and looks to see where it goes!
Relaxing for a snack - Coke and Candy Bar!
Good shot Aiden!

Sissy wants to try too, Dad!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
I'm Back!!!
Oh my goodness! I can't believe it has been over a month since I blogged. I guess you can say, "Life happens." I will try to get somewhere and post some pics! Can I say....SICK OF DIAL UP!!!
Let's see if I can do a brief catch up. I honestly don't know what I have been doing for a month!
Aiden - Nothing much has changed. He got "5ths disease" along with every other child in our church and gave it to Allee. He is growing up so fast. I wish you all could hear the conversations that come out of that boy's mouth. I am very bad at correcting my family on their grammatical errors or pronunciations. Aiden has inherited that trait and already at age 3 corrects every little thing we say! Quite comical!
Allee - Learning to potty! Enough said. Oh, yeah, that's what I have been doing for a month. Taking Allee to the potty! We had our first experience like a my friend Kim today! I sat Allee on the potty (she takes forever, so I leave her there) to tee-tee while I went to put some laundry on, you know, gotta multi-task. Well, I hear her from the distance, "Mommy, I poopied!" YEAH, ALLEE. When I rounded the corner I could see her butt naked, walking through looking for me. I could also see the "poopy" all over her leg. Although I thought, WOW, she made a mess on her legs trying to get off the potty, I was still proud she had gone. So, as I was talking to her and explaining that she should wait for me to come wipe her, I said, Did you poopy? She said, "Yeah". I said, "In the potty?" (making a big deal). She said, "NO, in there!" (as she pointed to Aiden's room. Sure enough, I rounded the corner to brother's room, Aiden steadily playing in the corner completely oblivious to the situation, and there it was! I thought I would die! She was so proud, but I was not! Good thing it was me it happened to and not DADDY!
Evan - Had his 4 mo check up yesterday. Can you believe it. He weighed 14.4! We have had about 3 weeks of fussiness (that's the rest of what I have been doing for the last month! NOT SLEEPING!) but we finally got a restful night last night! It seems we are finally working back toward our routine! He started his cereal and squash and LOVED them both! He is going to be a good eater I think. He is rolling over, although he gets really mad when he finally gets there. He loves Aiden to talk to him. Not quite sitting up, but I'm not going to rush him! He is just precious and really is a good, fun, loving baby!
ME - I have been taking care of my babies! I honestly don't know where time goes. One of our friends had revival on Mondays in April and we went. They were very uplifting. I have been struggling spiritually since I have been staying home. I let myself get caught up in the daily frustrations of life and ended up leaving out the most important part. Our church in in revival each Sun night in May and already I have a renewed spirit. I am also reading a book, "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world." I am so much a MARTHA as I know most of you are! I have put my priorities back in order (where I pray they will stay) and my week has already been so much better. All of you praying friends, please pray for me that I will be the mother, wife and friend God wants me to be and not get caught up in the busyness of the world.
Let's see if I can do a brief catch up. I honestly don't know what I have been doing for a month!
Aiden - Nothing much has changed. He got "5ths disease" along with every other child in our church and gave it to Allee. He is growing up so fast. I wish you all could hear the conversations that come out of that boy's mouth. I am very bad at correcting my family on their grammatical errors or pronunciations. Aiden has inherited that trait and already at age 3 corrects every little thing we say! Quite comical!
Allee - Learning to potty! Enough said. Oh, yeah, that's what I have been doing for a month. Taking Allee to the potty! We had our first experience like a my friend Kim today! I sat Allee on the potty (she takes forever, so I leave her there) to tee-tee while I went to put some laundry on, you know, gotta multi-task. Well, I hear her from the distance, "Mommy, I poopied!" YEAH, ALLEE. When I rounded the corner I could see her butt naked, walking through looking for me. I could also see the "poopy" all over her leg. Although I thought, WOW, she made a mess on her legs trying to get off the potty, I was still proud she had gone. So, as I was talking to her and explaining that she should wait for me to come wipe her, I said, Did you poopy? She said, "Yeah". I said, "In the potty?" (making a big deal). She said, "NO, in there!" (as she pointed to Aiden's room. Sure enough, I rounded the corner to brother's room, Aiden steadily playing in the corner completely oblivious to the situation, and there it was! I thought I would die! She was so proud, but I was not! Good thing it was me it happened to and not DADDY!
Evan - Had his 4 mo check up yesterday. Can you believe it. He weighed 14.4! We have had about 3 weeks of fussiness (that's the rest of what I have been doing for the last month! NOT SLEEPING!) but we finally got a restful night last night! It seems we are finally working back toward our routine! He started his cereal and squash and LOVED them both! He is going to be a good eater I think. He is rolling over, although he gets really mad when he finally gets there. He loves Aiden to talk to him. Not quite sitting up, but I'm not going to rush him! He is just precious and really is a good, fun, loving baby!
ME - I have been taking care of my babies! I honestly don't know where time goes. One of our friends had revival on Mondays in April and we went. They were very uplifting. I have been struggling spiritually since I have been staying home. I let myself get caught up in the daily frustrations of life and ended up leaving out the most important part. Our church in in revival each Sun night in May and already I have a renewed spirit. I am also reading a book, "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world." I am so much a MARTHA as I know most of you are! I have put my priorities back in order (where I pray they will stay) and my week has already been so much better. All of you praying friends, please pray for me that I will be the mother, wife and friend God wants me to be and not get caught up in the busyness of the world.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Alabama Pizza
Just a quick blurb...
This was a busy weekend as always. We had a Youth Rally at church and thus did not have evening services. I was exhausted from the events of the weekend and fell asleep around 5:00. Allee and Evan were asleep as well. When I woke up, Rick and the kids were coming home with a pizza. They were so excited. Allee said, "MaMa, we got a Alabama Pizza." I was a little dazed, but still...what is an Alabama pizza. Well, that's her version of a pizza that come from "Big Al's", a local restaurant that we frequent. Rick said she came up with that when he got in the car. I guess he had told her they were going to Big Al's to pick up a pizza. Well, of course, everyone knows that Big Al is the mascot for the Crimson Tide. Can't start them too early. And remember, she is two and put that together all on her own.
This was a busy weekend as always. We had a Youth Rally at church and thus did not have evening services. I was exhausted from the events of the weekend and fell asleep around 5:00. Allee and Evan were asleep as well. When I woke up, Rick and the kids were coming home with a pizza. They were so excited. Allee said, "MaMa, we got a Alabama Pizza." I was a little dazed, but still...what is an Alabama pizza. Well, that's her version of a pizza that come from "Big Al's", a local restaurant that we frequent. Rick said she came up with that when he got in the car. I guess he had told her they were going to Big Al's to pick up a pizza. Well, of course, everyone knows that Big Al is the mascot for the Crimson Tide. Can't start them too early. And remember, she is two and put that together all on her own.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
We had a GREAT weekend. We had a wonderful Easter service at church and then lunch at my grandmothers. It is so much fun to go to Granny Earnest house. It reminds me of my childhood. There are always so many kids to play with and so much freedom. There are 9 grandchildren and a milllion great grands, most of which are boys! Aiden loves it and Alllee joins right in. Everyone there, especially my Aunt Kathy, likes to hold babies, so Evan was well taken care of, giving Mommy a much needed break. We had an awesome lunch and hid over 170 eggs for the kids. We actually found more eggs than we hid. LOL. My Uncle Johnny pesterd Aiden, which was right up his ally. He loves picking at people. Aiden sang a special in church Sunday morning and then Allee was mad that she didn't get to sing. (She could have, but she just didn't get up there to practice). AIDEN LEARNS TO DANCE --We were sitting around tonight and I was on the phone, did not realize what had come on TV. It was "Dancing with the Stars." I have never watched the show. Well Aiden tuned in immediately. He was watching the first couple, Maria(or someone) and Jonathan. In a minute he said, "Hey, that looks like me and Mattie." I said, Why is that. He said, "That girl has blonde hair like Mattie, but I spin around, Mattie dont'." I said, Aiden, do you and Mattie dance like that. He started laughing. Then he started dancing and Allee quickly followed.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More Pic Updates - Weekend in Review
Evan's Bumbo - Don't he look sweet!
Of all the pictures I didn't get at the Egg Hunt because of chasing 2 small children around, this one I did get and I think it is priceless.
NaNa Taylor bought the boys matching shirts. Aren't they precious!
Allee really wants to hold brother, but she just can't get it quite right! Getting all three in the picture was not worth the effort since this was right before leaving for church.

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