Friday, August 8, 2008

First Day of Preschool

WOW! Allee started pre-school three mornings a week today! I was worried that she may cry, but she didn't. I let Rick take her in and I videoed her walking in, hand in hand with Big Brother, backpack and all. So cute. I am so proud of her and Aiden. I know she is going to have a great time and it will be good for her to be away from me a few hours a week. Thank the Lord for our deacon's wife and Allee's Sunday School teacher who works at the pre-school and will actually be teaching Allee this year. Seems like just yesterday when she was Aiden's teacher. Allee loves her dearly so I don't have a hard time leaving her.

Evan cut his second tooth on Monday after four days of fussing and not sleeping at night. He finally got two good nights sleep, then the screaming at night started again on Wed. I found another possible spot of teething Thur morning. He seems miserable, especially at night. We have used: Motrin, teething tablets, orajel....any other suggestions would be appreciated. During the day he wants me to hold him more, but he can usually be comforted with a popsicle or something, but nightime is different. He wakes in a scream nearly every two hours.

1 comment:

The James Family said...

Good Luck kids for a year of school! I know it will be a fun year for you both. And I look forward to reading posts about their days. I am sure there will be lots of funny and interesting stories from them! I am so sorry about the teething problems. I don't think there is much more you can do than what you are already doing. Lily Grace didn't have many problems with her front teeth but the back teeth are a little different for her. I will say a pray for little man and you!!