Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We had a GREAT weekend. We had a wonderful Easter service at church and then lunch at my grandmothers. It is so much fun to go to Granny Earnest house. It reminds me of my childhood. There are always so many kids to play with and so much freedom. There are 9 grandchildren and a milllion great grands, most of which are boys! Aiden loves it and Alllee joins right in. Everyone there, especially my Aunt Kathy, likes to hold babies, so Evan was well taken care of, giving Mommy a much needed break. We had an awesome lunch and hid over 170 eggs for the kids. We actually found more eggs than we hid. LOL. My Uncle Johnny pesterd Aiden, which was right up his ally. He loves picking at people. Aiden sang a special in church Sunday morning and then Allee was mad that she didn't get to sing. (She could have, but she just didn't get up there to practice). AIDEN LEARNS TO DANCE --We were sitting around tonight and I was on the phone, did not realize what had come on TV. It was "Dancing with the Stars." I have never watched the show. Well Aiden tuned in immediately. He was watching the first couple, Maria(or someone) and Jonathan. In a minute he said, "Hey, that looks like me and Mattie." I said, Why is that. He said, "That girl has blonde hair like Mattie, but I spin around, Mattie dont'." I said, Aiden, do you and Mattie dance like that. He started laughing. Then he started dancing and Allee quickly followed.

1 comment:

Joy said...

I can just picture the get together at your Granny Earnest's house. I know it was fun!