Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Oh my goodness! I can't believe it has been over a month since I blogged. I guess you can say, "Life happens." I will try to get somewhere and post some pics! Can I say....SICK OF DIAL UP!!!

Let's see if I can do a brief catch up. I honestly don't know what I have been doing for a month!

Aiden - Nothing much has changed. He got "5ths disease" along with every other child in our church and gave it to Allee. He is growing up so fast. I wish you all could hear the conversations that come out of that boy's mouth. I am very bad at correcting my family on their grammatical errors or pronunciations. Aiden has inherited that trait and already at age 3 corrects every little thing we say! Quite comical!

Allee - Learning to potty! Enough said. Oh, yeah, that's what I have been doing for a month. Taking Allee to the potty! We had our first experience like a my friend Kim today! I sat Allee on the potty (she takes forever, so I leave her there) to tee-tee while I went to put some laundry on, you know, gotta multi-task. Well, I hear her from the distance, "Mommy, I poopied!" YEAH, ALLEE. When I rounded the corner I could see her butt naked, walking through looking for me. I could also see the "poopy" all over her leg. Although I thought, WOW, she made a mess on her legs trying to get off the potty, I was still proud she had gone. So, as I was talking to her and explaining that she should wait for me to come wipe her, I said, Did you poopy? She said, "Yeah". I said, "In the potty?" (making a big deal). She said, "NO, in there!" (as she pointed to Aiden's room. Sure enough, I rounded the corner to brother's room, Aiden steadily playing in the corner completely oblivious to the situation, and there it was! I thought I would die! She was so proud, but I was not! Good thing it was me it happened to and not DADDY!

Evan - Had his 4 mo check up yesterday. Can you believe it. He weighed 14.4! We have had about 3 weeks of fussiness (that's the rest of what I have been doing for the last month! NOT SLEEPING!) but we finally got a restful night last night! It seems we are finally working back toward our routine! He started his cereal and squash and LOVED them both! He is going to be a good eater I think. He is rolling over, although he gets really mad when he finally gets there. He loves Aiden to talk to him. Not quite sitting up, but I'm not going to rush him! He is just precious and really is a good, fun, loving baby!

ME - I have been taking care of my babies! I honestly don't know where time goes. One of our friends had revival on Mondays in April and we went. They were very uplifting. I have been struggling spiritually since I have been staying home. I let myself get caught up in the daily frustrations of life and ended up leaving out the most important part. Our church in in revival each Sun night in May and already I have a renewed spirit. I am also reading a book, "Having a Mary heart in a Martha world." I am so much a MARTHA as I know most of you are! I have put my priorities back in order (where I pray they will stay) and my week has already been so much better. All of you praying friends, please pray for me that I will be the mother, wife and friend God wants me to be and not get caught up in the busyness of the world.


Courtney Long said...

so happy to have you "back!" i've missed you. love you so much. :)

Anonymous said...

It's about time you updated!! j/k
Love ya!!