Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekend Blues?!?!?!?

I have pretty much been out of it since last Wed. Rick apparently brought a virus in week before, and after not giving him much sympathy, I caught it and was sick on Thursday. I am still feeling the effects of it today, although I am a good bit better. So, I did not accomplish a whole lot this entire weekend.

Catching up a bit...
Allee had some pics made on Thursday a.m. I took her to a place in Fayette where all the grandkids have had their pic made at a similar age and NaNa has one done with them. I was sooo sick, but thanks to Daddy and NaNa, we made it through. Allee doesn't like to smile for the camera, which is very frustrating because she has a beautiful smile, but maybe we got a few good shots.

Aiden at it again ----- Aiden and Allee both went running errands with Daddy on Tues., one stop was to renew a pistol permit. They ran into a lady cop that we know from NHS and she showed the kids her car. They were so excited. Aiden told his Daddy when they were leaving that he saw a girl car and a boy car. When daddy asked how did he know he said, "The girl car doesn't have any lights on it and the boy car does!"

Allee is just getting started----One of Aiden's favorite teachers at school and church is Ms. Sherry. She taught Aiden last year at school and is now the Sunday School teacher for Allee. She thinks he is just so funny and often laughs at different stories she tells from church and school. Well, yesterday, after church, she said..."I didn' t know Allee was so funny, too." Apparently, they were studying creation last month, so as they reviewed on Sunday, Ms. Sherry asked the class (17 and 18 mo. olds) who made the stars. She said Allee said very boldly and matter-of-factly..."Aiden did." The girl probably really thinks Aiden did, she loves him so much.

On a more serious note...Allee started a runny nose this weekend, so I had started giving some cough meds. Well, she woke up last night with a horrible cough, more of a wheeze and loss of breath. Really scarred us. She could not get her breath. She ended up in our bed for a very restless night. We took her in this morning and apparently she had suffered an asthma attack. Of course, she is too young to diagnose for sure, but we are going to treat her for it for now plus an antibiotic for upper respiratory infection. I work with lots of athletes and asthma, and it is scarry in teenagers and sports, but I can tell them to calm down and control their breathing. A baby is so much different and I know she was scared. Rick said when he went to get her after she had woke up crying, he found her in her bathroom with her head over the toilet coughing, trying to catch her breath!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are feeling a bit better and so sorry about Allee. I know you had to be scared crazy for her. A child struggling to breathe has just got to be awful. I'll keep her in our prayers that it all turns out to be just an infections, but if not, I know you'll trust God to take care of her and you. --Renae

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amanda! That's so scary! I'm so sorry to hear that about Allee. I'll say a prayer for her.

Love you.