Tons of updates today! Sorry it is all so long, but I have been busy and my computer at home isn't up to par with updating a blog! One other quick note before you browse all of the new pictures of what has been going on in our lives....The kids have slept through the night the last 3 nights in a row. Did you read that? Three nights in a row. I feel like a new woman. Some of you may think I am crazy, but I want to give God all the glory. After revival last week and messages from my husband Sunday, I realized my prayer life has been slipping! To make a long story short, as a mom, a very busy mom, I am often interupted by toddlers, phones, etc when attempting to pray, leaving bed time for prayer time. This works for me, IF I don't fall asleep. So, I decided that no matter how tired, I am picking a time and my prayer will have to be said aloud! For the last 3 nights, yes, 3 nights (same as the sleeping) I have been speding, not more time, but QUALITY prayer time with God and really petitioning to Him for my needs and the needs of others. I can feel the difference it has made in my life already!
Hope you aren't bored with the updates!
I know! Carving pumpkins may be sacriligious (I am not sure how to spell that), but I love to do it. We did carve one that says, "Jesus Saves" which was very difficult and caused some frustration and a small fit pitched by my husband (and a few straight pins to repair the damage), but we also have a scary face, by request from Aiden! All in all, the kids enjoyed the afternoon of family time (which was an afternoon job) and the end result was good. Aiden loves to light candles. Allee attempted to eat the insides and was more excited about that than the carving!

This is the look Aiden got when he was told he could not pick the tops up and throw them or they would break and then the pumpkins would not have a hat to wear!

Allee tries to destroy the other pumpkin!

Allee with the finished product. Aiden was in a mood and refused to get in the picture and Allee had come our of her pants by this point in the afternoon!
I LOVE THIS! Aiden's face is priceless!
How cute...Allee is growing so fast!
-Crystal Earnest
wow - these are really good pumpkin carvings! btw, rick looks a lot like his dad in these pictures!
Happy family updates will never be boring! I love it.
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