Tuesday, July 10, 2007

VBS 07

VBS 07 has been exciting so far. We had the first night at church last night. I am the director this year, by default, so planning and preparing kept me really busy yesterday. But, when the time finally came for the BIG event, all my workers were present, the kids were excited and God really showed up and showed out. We had a WONDERFUL time learning about JESUS...singing, playing games, having fun! Thank God for the rain, but thanks also that the rain stopped for VBS. I had refreshments and games planned for outside and NO other place to put the 68 kids. Here are a couple of pics some friends took for me. By the way, the blog has been slow. I am still not digital, so I have to wait on taking full rolls up and then scan...really a pain right now. Maybe I will go digital for my B'day! Hint, hint...Rick! lol.

Here is Aiden cheesing for the camera as usual!!!

Isn't she cute! I love the addition of the life preserver!

Here is Allee and her BF SLT!

Keep us in your prayers! We have a long, tiring week ahead of us! Please pray that God will bless us with one soul getting saved. That is our ultimate goal. Leading these kids to the Lord.

1 comment:

Sarah Albin said...

Wow, you're amazing. Hope you are feeling good! I love keeping up on what's happening down your way!