Friday, July 13, 2007

VBS Almost Over!

VBS is almost at an end. We have had a blast this week, but we are ALL extremely tired! The radio station came and interviewed us last night and the kids loved that. I actually heard my own voice on the radio at 6:35 this morning. Boy, that will wake you up! We averaged 75 kids each night, which I was more than pleased with. Thanks to ALL my workers who helped out! Couldn't have done it without them. Here are just a few of the hundreds of pics taken this week.
Allee is singing the VBS songs in the pic below. She loves to sing and dance. I wish I had a video clip to share because she was hilarious trying to concentrate on the motions.
Here is Allee with her pig-tails! She was concentrating on something and I couldn't get her attention.
Aiden and his 2 BF's. He sat with them every night at this table for snacks.

My child loves ice cream, just like his daddy. As you see it is all over him.

Here is Aiden torchering Allee. We had four rings we used each night. He put them all on her and she couldn't move. Of course she thought it was funny!

Aiden takes a dive down the baby slide!


Courtney Long said...

Glad to hear VBS went well. You're an amazing wife and mother to be able to do all the things you do!

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I love the vbs pics. I'm so glad Keiton and Aiden are best friends. love you lots!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too cute! Looks like everyone had a great time. I think they both look just like Rick.