Thursday, June 28, 2007


HELP! I have a very strong willed child. Allee E. Taylor is such a mess. She has a horrible temper and has recently developed a love for climbing on the kitchen table and standing in the middle of it. I think she got at least 5 spankings in a row the other day for standing on the table, and she still went back and tried it again. There is really nothing on the table for her to want, she just LOVES to climb. What am I going to do with her? She climbs on everything and can destoy a room in 5 seconds flat. She is VERY curious and loves to get her way. I guess she has a little bit of "mommy" in her, so I shouldn't complain, huh? You should just she her when she knows she is in trouble. Aiden will start screaming before you even approach him "I don't want to get a spankin..." to the point that you almost laugh and don't want to spank him. But Allee, she will run and try to hide with this hilarious look of mischief on her face, like, "Do you really think that is going to affect me?" Kids....what would our lives be without them? I can't imagine.


Kim Lawson said...

Congrats Taylors! Welcome to the "we with three club"!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda, I finally got a comment to show up! So happy for your family about the new baby. Love these blogs. I check them everyday. I love knowing what is going on with you and your family. Beautiful family by the way. Love you