Friday, July 13, 2007

I Smell Cigarettes!

Yes, my little Aiden is at it again! Wed night after VBS, Rick brought Aiden home and said, "Did you tell Mommy what you had to get in trouble for tonight?" I thought, "Oh, No....what now?" He really hasn't been himself this week. I guess he is just really tired. So reluctantly, knowing it could have been anything from kicking someone to standing on a table, I said, "No, what?" Rick said that Aiden and a few more were standing outside and Aiden said, "I smell cigarettes." (The neighbors were actually burning something outside.) He then put his two little fingers up next to his lips and pretended to smoke!! One of the teenagers was with him and said "Aiden, we don't do that." He said, "Well, my PaPa Gene does." So, thanks PaPa for teaching my child! Then, when Rick and I were talking about it and I was telling Aiden that wasn't good for you or PaPa Gene, he said "But, PaPa Gene does it so good!" So, grandparents, be careful! They tell all! Aiden was STILL defending his PaPa last night when we were talking about it. This one is going to be fun!


Courtney Long said...

I love this story! Little boys love their Papas!

ktaylor said...

I love the blog!!!!
This story is precious.
Aiden is sssoooo smart
I fwrd to kendra so she could see
the pics.

Anonymous said...

How funny! Hard to compete with a Papa...