Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Picture Updates - Allee Birthday


We started the day with an errand and the "Hot Now" sign at Krispy Creme caught Daddy's attention, so in we go. Yes, we had just eaten breakfast and it wasn't even 9:30, but we go in for a doughnut. We let Allee pick which one she wanted and she chose the powdered one of course. It was fun!
Next stop was the nail salon. A former athelete of mine from Co High works there and I asked if she had time to paint her nails. Allee went with me and Janet the last time we went and the girls fell in love with her. She sang to them that day, and they remembered her. They treated her like a little princess and even gave her a goodie bag that said Happy Birthday when we were finished. Thanks Courtney! The ladies couldn't believe Daddy came in with her either!

Then it was party time! Here is a shot of her Dora cake! It tasted as good as it looks too!

Thanks to everyone who had the opportunity to share with her. She had a special day!


Hollyhand House said...

She is too cute!

Kim Lawson said...

Those piggies are just too sweet!