Monday, March 3, 2008

Are we better yet?

Finally, I think we are all well. Allee is still weak and wanting to take extra naps, a little whiny, but over all we are better.

We had a great weekend. Upward Awards Night was Friday night with illusionist Curt Anderson. It was an awesome experience. We had tons of people show up to support their little ones. Overall, Upward was great. It was very exhausting on the staff, but very rewarding in the end. We definatlely plan to do it again next year and hopefully plan to throw soccer or flag football in at some point.

I am trying to help Rick get more organized with the church. Most people have secretaries, so I am going to try to be his now that I am home. It's funny, now that I am a stay home mom I think I am wearing MORE hats than I did before. But, that is just me. I can never do JUST one thing. I gotta have a hand in everything.

Evan is ALMOST sleeping through the night and the other two have been sleeping great. The Lord has truly been blessing us. We had a "praise" service last night and it was awesome. Rick ask for testimonies about various things and one was to testify why you are glad. I didn't stand, but I am "glad" that God has made it possible for me to be a stay home mom. Through all the chaos, carrying a baby on each hip, washing countless bottles and folding endless laundry, etc., I am blessed. I am "glad" that God called us into the ministry. It is extremely busy...Upward, setting up the gym, cleaning the gym, borrowing chairs, returning chairs, answering the phone 24 hours a day, etc., but I love every minute of ministering to God's people. I am "glad" that he put us at Sulphur Springs. We have had offers to be at different, larger churches, but God has never put that calling on us. I love our church and every person in it. God has made me "glad" to be a part of it for almost 10 years now (not pastoring that whole time). I can't imagine my life without my church family! To all of you S.S.F.W.B. members who read this, thank you for being so loving, kind, and pleaurable to work with! WE ARE BLESSED!


Anonymous said...

Yall do a Great job at the church!! Remember I have grown up there and never seen it growing as much as it is now!! Keep up the good work and God will continue to bless!

Sarah Albin said...

Hope everyone is feeling better! Lots of people around here have had the flu too. It's just been a bad year in that way. Talk to you soon.