Thursday, August 23, 2007

When I get to be bigger....

I tried to update yesterday, but the computer was down, so this is really yesterday's thoughts.

Monday night, we had a meeting at church and I ended up bringing the kids and "Shelba" back to my house until the meeting was over. They were playing so well together until right before time to go. Crystal had just came in to get Shelby and Aiden came running out of his room screaming and holding his nose. They both had water pistols and Shelby's was much bigger. We didn't have to ask to find out what had happened. As I tried to comfort Aiden and check out the damage and assure him that Shelby had not hit him on purpose (though no one can ever be sure what happens, lol) he reinforced to me that she did do it on purpose. I tried to tell him that Shelby is just a baby and is still learning and he had to be a big boy and teach her by example that it is not nice to hit and we have to be really careful when we are playing so we don't accidentally hurt each other. Through teary eyes and a red forehead with a hand still over it, he said, "Well, when I get to be bigger like my daddy, I will take my belt off and spank her for that!" I thought Crystal was going to loose it! All was settled and they hugged and kissed before Shelby left!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those babies are so adorable... you left out the part where he said he would get a "real long belt" not just a regular belt! I don't see how you didn't laugh!- crystal