Thursday, August 23, 2007

God is Good

I just wanted to let you all know how Good my God is! I know most of you already know that, but I just wanted to share a thought or two this morning. God knows what we need when we need it and He never fails to deliver. I am so blessed. I am blessed to be alive, to not be sick and nauseated this morning, to wake up to two beautiful children and a husband who still thinks I hung the moon, a job to go to, a car full of gas to drive, breakfast to eat and clothes to wear. The list could go on and on!

Yesterday, as I was driving in to work, I was listening to Rick and Bubba, and they had a bishop on taking phone calls. This one guy called in and shared that he knew he had gotten saved, but then there was trouble in the church, the church split, he went with the other group and now, years later finds himself away from God and church. He went on to say that he had prayed for God to return to him but he didn't feel like it was working. WOW! The bishop responded with a good answer and encouragment and talked about how it is not about church and that is where we all mess up, but it is about your relationship. I BELIEVE that with all my heart...if you do not have a personal daily walk and relationship with Jesus Christ our Savior, church attendance is worthless. BUT, it was Rick Burgess's response that spoke to me. I hope I get it right...I wanted to post yesterday... He encouraged the guy by reminding him that it is the DEVIL who makes us doubt our salvation. The devil is the one that discourages us and makes us feel defeated. We can be sailing along pretty good, hit a bump in the road and instead of running to God, the devil makes us feel worthless about what we are trying to accomplish for God. Then, before you know it, we feel like everything we do is worthless and we quit trying, finding ourselves lost and confused. He then assured the guy that God will not leave us, but that instead of waiting around from God to draw nearer to him, he needed to draw nearer to God. That is so true. That is the cool part about a "relationship". It works both ways. How many of you have been in a successful "one sided" relationship. No one, I can say! Relationships do not work that way. Last night when we were saying our prayers, Aiden said he didn't want to pray. I told him that it disappoints God when we don't want to talk to him. He said, "But I love God and I will talk to him when I get to heaven." Well, that is good thinking for a three year old, but it we wait to talk to God until we get to heaven, that conversation will never take place. God desires conversation with us. Aiden doesn't understand, because he can't differentiate where God is and how he can talk to someone that doesn't talk back, but as adults, we know when God hears us. Even if He seems distant...don't give up. Most likely, we are the ones who are distant, and if we keep calling on Him and seeking Him, we will soon be close enough to hear His sweet voice answer our cry of despair.

May God Bless you each and everyone today and every day!


Anonymous said...

Amen! Love you

Anonymous said...

Great post...
Deuteronomy 31:6:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
"them" to me right now could mean doubts and fears

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. If we put our faith in the church we will be let down because we are human. We all have to put our faith fully in God. There are to many people that have their faith in church but don't have that relationship wtih God.
Love ya