Monday, August 20, 2007

Allee update!

It's been a while on Allee, too. Of course she doesn't talk as much and Aiden tells on himself a bit more. She is so funny in person , but hard to put into words. She has really shown an interest in potty training over the last few days! I am hesitant to begin, but we'll see what happens. She wants to go every time Aiden goes, so I guess I might as well try. She says, "I tee-tee, I poop, and I toot" quite often, sometimes when you don't want her to. It seems to me her vocabulary is growing by the day. She says whatever you say. It is so fun to watch them go from one word to forming sentences!

She is so clumsy. Yesterday, we were getting ready for church and brother was standing on the stool brushing his teeth so she thought it was a good idea to stand on the potty to brush hers. Big mistake. Before I knew it, she fell, one leg in (luckily it was clean) one leg out, and she was folded up b/n the potty and the wall. Daddy came to the rescue and she was left with big tears (which is very unusual for her) and a bruise on her left cheek! She is so stubborn, she doesn't listen to the word, "NO."

She has developed this cute little run, you know, the one where her arms cross in front and she waddles as fast as she can! Daddy told her she ran like mommy and that is not a good thing. He said they were going to have to do some serious work on her run! She just looks like she is having so much fun when she runs. She was chasing kids around last night an dying out laughing in the process. I wish I loved to run like that!

We caught her in action while watching Dora. She loves Dora! She was watching the other morning while we were getting ready and we heard her responding to Dora's questions! I got so tickled! When Dora would say, "Is this the ????" Allee would say, "Nooooo" and so it continued! She also likes to say, "Rite der" or right there! When Dora asked, "Do you see swiper? She'll say, "Rite der".

She had been more of a mommies baby than normal lately, if that is possible. I am literally walking on her when I get home because she is stuck to my legs crying, MaMa, MaMa, MaMa...the entire time. She even gets in the shower with me. If she can catch me before I get in, she knows what I am doing and will say "I'ont a showa" (I want a shower) and will start taking off her clothes.

She has learned to say her friend Shelby's name, but it comes out Shelba. I think that is the cutest thing. You should hear those two communicate. Nothing but precious.

Praise God, she is still sleeping good, with an occasaional bad night. Now, I just have to worry about transitioning to a different bed so I can have a place for the new baby. Someone has to share a room. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Kim Lawson said...

Amanda, we went through the same thing except luckily we had 2 girls first and there was only 18 mos. difference. We had 2 cribs in the same room so we could keep our 3rd br for a study. I would try putting Aiden and Allee together at least for another year or so and then decide from there. Or if you have another girl, it may work to put her in Allee's rm that is if Allee continues to sleep well. Hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

I think Allee will be potty trained before "Shelba". Can I borrow Aiden for a while to help trian Shelby? lol! The kids are all so cute together! I love to watch Shelby and Allee but also Shelby and Aiden. Those three crack me up! Shelby and Allee are in for a time with little daddy Aiden, lol!- crystal