Monday, August 13, 2007

Praise God

We had a wonderful weekend. I just had to give God praise this morning for a few major accomplishments. As most of you know, we have been having a good bit of trouble with Allee sleeping through the night lately. When she wakes up, she wakes Aiden up and so the cycle begins. We have had hardly any sleep and it has really taken a toll on me, especially with me being sick! I have shared with several friends and even mentioned to the doctor on Monday who told me we would just have to let her cry it out. I used to do that until we moved and the walls are so thin, Aiden wakes up very easily. She had slept a couple of nights, randomly, last week, so I was thankful for that. But, this morning, I am happy to say that we have had 3 consecutive nights of uninterrupted sleep! WOW! I know that the prayers of my friends and family are paying off. Thanks to all who pray for us.

On another note, I have been feeling much better over the last couple of days, and that is a huge event for me. I can't explain what is feels like to be miserable with eating, not eating, sleeping, not sleeping, you name it. For those of you who go through pregnancy without this experience, I AM SO GLAD you don't have to know what it is like. But for all you others, I know you can relate. But hopefully, we are on the uphill road now and things will be better. Again, thanks for the prayers.

Also, just had to mention that a very special little girl at our church got saved a few weeks ago and we had her baptism yesterday. She was so excited. She is 5 and was smiling the entire time. Her brother, who is Aiden's friend, had a b'day too, so we shared in celebrating the two special occasions yesterday with their family. It was a busy, but wonderful day. I know God has great plans in store for their family!

One more thing, Rick preached an awesome, powerful message yesteray morning. It made me realize that since I have been pregnant, I have used the excuse of being sick and have really slacked on my Bible reading. I read everyday, but not in depth like I like to do. I have been praying for God to help me, but yesterday I really felt the presence of God and I know that things are going to get better. I was able to get up and read before the kids got up this morning, which is a HUGE blessing. I usually get frustrated because just as I get up, they get up and then there is no quiet time. God is so good. He always gives us what we need, when we need it.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are feeling better and the kids are sleeping better. thanks for the blog about karson. you are so right about rick's message yesterday. it was GREAT!!!! Please pray for me that i will be the chrisitan mom and wife that i need to be. love ya

Anonymous said...

I sure am glad the you are feeling better and the kids are sleeping well. Wish I could say that about myself. I has so much fun this weekend, can't wait to go back.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Amanda, this entry started my day off right!

The James Family said...

I am so excited for your family on the new baby coming! I am so sorry you have been sick, I know how you feel because it was the same way for me for 5 months straight with Lily Grace. But isn't it so worth it! I will keep you in my prayers. I hope the kids keep the sleeping up for you. They are too cute and growing up so fast! I would love to see them. Have a blessed day!