Allee went for her 15 month check up on Wed. I know that she is almost 18 mo, but what can I say. At the rate I am going at parenting, my newborn will be 12 mo before I take him for his 3 mo appointment. Anyway, she got a good bill of health. She weighs 25 pounds. She is in the 75% on weight and 95% on height. She had to get 3 shots! When the nurse came in to give the shots, Allee laid down on her back all by herself, like she knew what she was doing. The first shot went in, no sound from Allee! The second shot went in, a slight delayed reaction and mild whimpering from Allee. The third shot went in, and I think she was really just sick of us holding her down, but she did cry just a little with no tears. When we sat her up to put bandaids on, etc. she was so excited about the bandaids. When the nurse was leaving the room and I had picked her up, I said, Allee, tell her thank you...Allee looked straight at her with those big blue pouty eyes and said in the cutest little voice, "Tanks." I thought the nurse would melt. She said, I don't think I ever remember being thanked for a shot! Overall, I was pleased with the check up and most of all, Allee's behavior. (She is a lot easier to handle when we have her all alone)
Aiden----Yesterday was the kids' day to stay with NaNa Taylor. Rick and I had a meeting last night and did not get to pick them up until late. They were all eating out at a local restaurant, so of course when we came in, they were surprised to see us and Aiden was jumping around with excitement. I went and picked him up and said, (as I always do now with our history lately) "Were you a good boy for NaNa today?" And, as always, he told on himself.... "No," he said, "I ranned over Allee with my bicycle and I got in trouble." Well, at least I don't have a liar on my hands. I guess it could be worse. As the story goes from NaNa and Pop, he was trying to ride and Allee wanted to ride too. So when she kept trying to get on as he was riding and he kept telling her NO and she wouldn't move, he just decided he would run over her. She skinned her knees up a little. The end result was both of them crying, Allee b/c she was a little injured and Aiden b/c he got in trouble! They are just so funny to watch and listen to.
Aiden----Yesterday was the kids' day to stay with NaNa Taylor. Rick and I had a meeting last night and did not get to pick them up until late. They were all eating out at a local restaurant, so of course when we came in, they were surprised to see us and Aiden was jumping around with excitement. I went and picked him up and said, (as I always do now with our history lately) "Were you a good boy for NaNa today?" And, as always, he told on himself.... "No," he said, "I ranned over Allee with my bicycle and I got in trouble." Well, at least I don't have a liar on my hands. I guess it could be worse. As the story goes from NaNa and Pop, he was trying to ride and Allee wanted to ride too. So when she kept trying to get on as he was riding and he kept telling her NO and she wouldn't move, he just decided he would run over her. She skinned her knees up a little. The end result was both of them crying, Allee b/c she was a little injured and Aiden b/c he got in trouble! They are just so funny to watch and listen to.