Monday, July 23, 2007
My Dad - by Aiden
Friday, July 20, 2007
I'm a Big Boy!
Aiden (of course) was crying over something silly that Allee had done to him. NaNa Taylor said "Aiden, you have got to be the biggest cry baby I have ever seen." He said, "No, I'm not"... she said, "Yes you are" He said "No I'm not, but if I was, I wouldn't be a cry baby I would be a cry BOY!" (sorry if I miss quoted some) He is so tied into being a BOY, not a BABY!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Still in Little Rock
EMPTY ME - Holy Fire, Burn Away, My Desire, for anything that is not of you, and is of me, 'cause I want more of you, and less of me....Empty me, Empty me, Use me, Fill me. This song was really touching to me. We should always desire to have more of Him and less of us! WOW! God is so good! The speaker spoke on Goliath and the Power of One. He brought up several interesting stories where "ONE" made a difference. For example, the Titantic was designed with air tight chambers and if 4 of those chambers filled with water, in the event of an accident, the ship would still float. 5 of the chambers were damaged and therefore filled with water when the ship hit the iceberg. Therefore, the ship sank, because of ONE. He gave other examples that were mind boggling.
After the service, we came back to our room and intended to go to bed, but one of our friends from Colorado visited and we ended up laughing and talking until almost 1:00 in the morning. It was so good to join in good humor and Chrisitian fellowship with friends. So, needless to say, most of us slept in the morning, which was much needed and relaxing. Today is usually a lazier day.
We get to find out after the service tonight if Joseph placed or not. His score sheets were really good, so hopefully we will bring home a National Championship!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hello from Little Rock

We are staying at the famous Peabody hotel...home of the marching ducks. I had never heard of this, but yes, at 11 a.m. each morning ducks actually ride the elevator downstairs, walk a red carpet to music and climb into a fountain of water. Then, at 5 p.m. they march back to the elevator and reside in their $90,000 hotel accomodations. Yes, you read that correct.
Rick and I actually lucked up. They did not have enough double rooms when we arrived and had to put us in a suite! This was perfect because we have 2 teeanagers staying with us and they get to have their own separate room for the price of one and we got a king size bed. Our room is on the 19th floor, with the only floor above us being the Penthouse! You have to use your room key in the elevator to get access to our floor! I have a robe laying on my bed each day, and even twice today. They cleaned our room TWICE!
The service tonight was tremendous! I cannot tell you how awesome it is to hear 3,500 - 4,000 people all worshiping JESUS CHRIST our Lord and Savior and singing praises to Him. It was awesome! We love hearing the Word of God and getting to fellowship with our christian brothers and sisters.
Tomorrow is another busy day of competitions, meetings and seminars, so we are about to settle in and plan our day.
Seeing all the little ones around makes me miss my little ones, but I greatly appreciate all the help from NaNa Taylor, NaNa boo-boo, and Aunt LeLe for helping me out. I need this week for spiritual feeding for myself and it is a lot easier without having babies clinging to your skirt! We love ya'll...hope they are being good!
Friday, July 13, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
Now, eight random things about myself...
1. If my husband is in the car, I ALWAYS let him drive.
2. I can't do anything by myself. I have to get an opinion from my mom, my sister or my BF.
3. I didn't go try for my drivers license until I had been 16 for almost a year because I didn't want to miss a day of school to do it.
4. My clutter doesn't bother me, but other peoples clutter drives me insane!
5. I used to pretend to be asleep on the couch when I was little just so my daddy would pick me up and put me in my bed.
6. I have to sleep with one leg out from under the cover and I cannot sleep in the middle of the bed.
7. I could lay out in the sun literally all day long if no one would bother me.
8. I worked in a seafood department in a grocery store in college and always smelled bad after work.
Just for Fun!
VBS Almost Over!
I Smell Cigarettes!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
VBS 07
Here is Aiden cheesing for the camera as usual!!!
Isn't she cute! I love the addition of the life preserver!
Here is Allee and her BF SLT!
Keep us in your prayers! We have a long, tiring week ahead of us! Please pray that God will bless us with one soul getting saved. That is our ultimate goal. Leading these kids to the Lord.