Friday, September 14, 2007

Ready for the Weekend

Allee on Aiden's John Deer Tractor!
Aiden in his FB uniform!

Friday is finally here! I am excited to be going on a Ladies' Retreat overnight. Aiden and Allee are off to NaNa and Pop Taylor's house. Of course they are excited.

Quick story - Aiden still gets up in the middle of the night frequently. The last couple of nights he has been sorta talking in his sleep. Night before, he came in our room, with Allee by the hand, and said, "I brought Allee to you MommyDaddy (one word). She was crying, so I brought her in here. Are you proud of me?" Then last night, he ventured into our room, without Allee, though she was still in his bed crying, and said, "Poor Allee, she got her little feelings hurt and now she is crying." I guess he hears us say things like that during the day. I honestly don't know where he comes up with some of the things he says! Like yesterday morning, he was pitching a fit and didn't want to get his clothes on. I finally said, Aiden, come here NOW and get dressed, we have got to go. He said, "I can't Mom. I am just too upset to get dressed. Wait til I stop crying." And about 5 seconds later..."Okay, I stopped the crying now."

Allee said a full sentence yesterday. She is beginning to copy EVERYTHING we say! This is really sad, because as I am sitting here typing, I can't even remember her sentence!!!!!! Aiden hit her in the head with a wooden bat (by accident) yesterday. I wasn't home, but Daddy handled it. The knot went down quickly and she didn't cry long. She is so TUFF! Thank goodness!


Anonymous said...

Hey there,
Just wanted to thank you for the phone call the other day. I was at Mama's, so you know my cell phone doesn't work out there! YOU have such a busy life and to take time to call me meant so much. You are shining example to all around you. Don't be too hard on yourself. If all of us around you are rooting for you, loving you, and saying give yourself a break, just think how much more the good Lord understands too! I admire your honesty though. Your blog is good for the soul. :)

Love you,

KIT with the Traweeks said...

Cute pictures. I was wondering how you took them!