It all started with MILK on Wed night. A and A have not been sleeping well again. Too make a long story short, they both woke in the middle of the night and in a sleepy stupor, Rick gave Aiden an entire cup of milk, which of course he drank all of. So, around 4 am, Aiden comes to my room and whispers, "Mommy I need you to help me go tee-tee", which translates to "I wet the bed." He was soaked. We made it through the night and of course I waited until the next morning to deal with the wet things. The comforter, sheets, mattress, ALL wet! All had to be washed, on top of an already full laundry room. We took the mattress outside to dry.
Thursday was a long day. We were both sickly and just did not accomplish a whole lot. Rick had to run an errand and all I wanted to do all day was make time to watch the premiere of "Grey's Anatomy." So, I planned it well. At 5 minutes till 8 I ran the bath water. Rick was home by 8:20 to bathe the kids. I told him that we should probably make the bed before getting them out of the tub. I had washed the sheets earlier, but when I went to dry them, I had forgotten to turn the dryer on the previous load, so I was now waiting on the bed sheets to dry. Also, for some reason unknown, the mattress had only made it inside to the laundry room, not to the bed.
What I heard next was horrifying!!! Rick screaming from the laundry room..."Where is all this water coming from?" The washer was overflowing trashy water onto the mattress, other laundry and the entire laundry room! It was awful. By now, it's 8:30ish. After wet/dry vac, investigation of washer, etc. the kids got out of bath at 9:00, now in freezing cold water (it entertained them while we cleaned the mess) and completely shrivled up! Now, it's bedtime...what to do. Allee can't sleep in the babybed b/c she actually climbed in it earlier today and fell out on her head trying to get out. We pulled the mattress off of the top bunk and made a pallett. (I know I am mispelling every single word of this post.) What a night.
TODAY is is now around 9:30 p.m. and I am listening to....nothing! Wow! Praise God! My kids went to a dry, clean bed at 8:15...I was able to walk out of Aiden's room with him still awake, checked on him once, then returned to check on him and he was snoring. Since they have been asleep I have folded about 100 loads of laundry! I know to some of you this seems trivial, but believe me, it isn't often I get to have quiet time before 11 pm. Thank you, thank you, thank you God. (I'll let you know how they slept later).
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Quick Story
We were walking from the gym the other day to the house, which is just across the street, but it was hot. Allee was screaming, "Momma, I wanna hold me." I told her she would have to walk b/c mommy was too tired and she was too heavy for me to carry up the hill b/c I have a baby in my tummy. Aiden said, "Yeah, Allee...mommy can't carry you, she's got two babies in her tummy." I told him no, we only had one. He looked at me so funny and confused and said, "But mom, I wanted a baby brother and Allee needs a baby sister, so there are two babies."
Somebody is going to have to be just a little disappointed. Maybe he will forget about that comment over the next 3 months!
Somebody is going to have to be just a little disappointed. Maybe he will forget about that comment over the next 3 months!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A friend of ours recently gave Allee a babydoll stroller. It has become the most played with toy in the house. However, they do not always use it for babydolls! Whenever "Shelba" comes over, there is usually a fight over it.

Birthday Party Fun
The "Aunt"
Another one from Aiden...
Sunday we had a Singing at church followed by a funeral. Rick had to do the funeral, so I took the kids home for the afternoon. Because the weather was SO great (Thanks GOD) we played outside. People were coming in and out of the church for the viewing and our house is directly across the road so I had to tell Aiden to BE QUIET! I told him there was a funeral going on so we had to be respectful. This is how the conversation went.
A: What's a funeral?
M: It is when someone dies and we have a service to bury them.
A: Who died?
M: Mrs. Rebecca's aunt.
A: Oh.
(Long pause. I went onto focus on something else thinking the conversation was over.)
A: Was her legs crawly?
A: Was her legs crawly?
M: What are you talking about sweety?
A: You know, Mrs. Rebecca's ANT. Was her legs all crawly?
SO, now Aiden has had his first English lesson! Actually, if we pronounced the word "aunt" properly in the South, I wouldn't have had that conversation.
Sunday we had a Singing at church followed by a funeral. Rick had to do the funeral, so I took the kids home for the afternoon. Because the weather was SO great (Thanks GOD) we played outside. People were coming in and out of the church for the viewing and our house is directly across the road so I had to tell Aiden to BE QUIET! I told him there was a funeral going on so we had to be respectful. This is how the conversation went.
A: What's a funeral?
M: It is when someone dies and we have a service to bury them.
A: Who died?
M: Mrs. Rebecca's aunt.
A: Oh.
(Long pause. I went onto focus on something else thinking the conversation was over.)
A: Was her legs crawly?
A: Was her legs crawly?
M: What are you talking about sweety?
A: You know, Mrs. Rebecca's ANT. Was her legs all crawly?
SO, now Aiden has had his first English lesson! Actually, if we pronounced the word "aunt" properly in the South, I wouldn't have had that conversation.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Ready for the Weekend
Friday is finally here! I am excited to be going on a Ladies' Retreat overnight. Aiden and Allee are off to NaNa and Pop Taylor's house. Of course they are excited.
Quick story - Aiden still gets up in the middle of the night frequently. The last couple of nights he has been sorta talking in his sleep. Night before, he came in our room, with Allee by the hand, and said, "I brought Allee to you MommyDaddy (one word). She was crying, so I brought her in here. Are you proud of me?" Then last night, he ventured into our room, without Allee, though she was still in his bed crying, and said, "Poor Allee, she got her little feelings hurt and now she is crying." I guess he hears us say things like that during the day. I honestly don't know where he comes up with some of the things he says! Like yesterday morning, he was pitching a fit and didn't want to get his clothes on. I finally said, Aiden, come here NOW and get dressed, we have got to go. He said, "I can't Mom. I am just too upset to get dressed. Wait til I stop crying." And about 5 seconds later..."Okay, I stopped the crying now."
Allee said a full sentence yesterday. She is beginning to copy EVERYTHING we say! This is really sad, because as I am sitting here typing, I can't even remember her sentence!!!!!! Aiden hit her in the head with a wooden bat (by accident) yesterday. I wasn't home, but Daddy handled it. The knot went down quickly and she didn't cry long. She is so TUFF! Thank goodness!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Play time
We actually got to spend a few minutes outside the other night. The weather was perfect and the kids had a great time. They have gotten to where they play so well together. I can't believe how big Allee is getting. When I look at her in the pictures, she is just growing up before my eyes.
She loves to say "mile" when she get her picture taken. Yes, she was playing out in the dirt in a brand new skirt outfit without her hairbow!
Aiden was trying to play baseball with part of his tee! He is such a stinker!
I realize these pics aren't very good. I took them with my video camera. Hey, my birthday is coming up in October!
"I Dressed Myself"
The other night, I was in a bind and ask Aiden to try putting his underwear on by himself. Here is a picture of his first try. It was too cute not to share!
This morning, he successfully dressed himself all alone, shirt, shorts, and socks! He was so proud. I was a little sad, but proud, too. He is just growing up so fast. I wish I could capture every minute.
Flowers for Me
I just had to share my flowers because I thought they were so beautiful. Although, they were "I'm Sorry" flowers from my husband, I was very glad and surprised to get them. (I love surprises). I am so glad that he is willing to say I'm sorry. Most men would never, ever say those words, my mouth or by flowers! I am so thankful for my Godly husband. Thanks to his mom for raising him to be so respectful and thanks to God for changing him into the Godly man that he is today! I love you!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Confession time...
As I write this, I am still extremely tired from the events of the week, weekend, and night...
Yesterday was a typical Monday for me. I hate to say it that way, but typically on Monday's I am exhausted and not very excited about beginning a new day(how terrible, I know). Yesterday was no different. I got up late, of course, and explained it away to the fact that I had worked hard all week without a day off, putting in long hours at two away football games in a row, followed by a morning on Saturday of injury clinic that ran into the afternoon, followed by kids that had not seen me, preparation of a children's church lesson, Sunday events which are full of meetings, worship, and all kinds of things to do except rest. So, instead of getting up early enough to start my morning in God's word like I know I should (and love to do), I got a few extra minutes of sleep. The morning did not get any better, as Rick and I had to carpool to get vehicles picked up from being worked on, dropped off to be worked on, kids to school, an extra trip back home b/c we had forgotten things, etc. The day progressed into another meeting, late afternoon and finally bedtime. Once again, because I was completely exhausted to the point that I literally did not feel I could hold my eyes open, I went to bed and even prayed, giving God an excuse of why I would read my Bible in the morning. I was just physically and mentally exhausted and needed my rest! I mean, I deserve that, right?
WRONG! At 12:45, Aiden woke up crying for an unknown reason, which woke Allee up. Aiden went back to sleep, but Allee was thrown into one of her terrors that we have experienced previously, but not recently. To make a longer story short, the last time I remember looking at the clock it was 2:00 a.m. and she was still crying! I have no idea what time I finally went to sleep.
CONFESSION--All I could think as I lay there helplessly trying to calm her was, "Wow, I deserve this one." I mean, think about it. I gave up what would have taken me maybe 15 minutes at most of the reading of God's word for what I thought was going to be more rest. Boy was I wrong. God showed me that if I short change Him, I will not win. I lost over an hour of sleep more than what I would have lost had I stayed up a little longer and studied. But, at that moment before bed, I just felt like I couldn't go on! Like I deserved to get rest. WHO AM I to think I DESERVE anything? God gave his only son, JESUS, to die for me that I may live and here I was having a pity pat party because I had not gotten adequate rest. What if Jesus had of decided that he couldn't go on when he had been beaten and was carrying His own cross to be crucified? When God revealed all the feelings to me, I felt so small. All He wants from us is to give of ourselves. Sometimes, that may mean giving up something else! What will it take for me to realize that? I wasn't even willing to give Him a few minutes of the "leftover" time that I had last night! So, that's my confession. We are not all perfect and we all make mistakes, but thank God He reminds us when we do so that we can ask forgiveness and strive to do better the next day!
I am still very tired, but God is the very person who can restore my strength and I am counting on Him and only Him to do that today.
May God bless you all as you have your "Mondays."
Yesterday was a typical Monday for me. I hate to say it that way, but typically on Monday's I am exhausted and not very excited about beginning a new day(how terrible, I know). Yesterday was no different. I got up late, of course, and explained it away to the fact that I had worked hard all week without a day off, putting in long hours at two away football games in a row, followed by a morning on Saturday of injury clinic that ran into the afternoon, followed by kids that had not seen me, preparation of a children's church lesson, Sunday events which are full of meetings, worship, and all kinds of things to do except rest. So, instead of getting up early enough to start my morning in God's word like I know I should (and love to do), I got a few extra minutes of sleep. The morning did not get any better, as Rick and I had to carpool to get vehicles picked up from being worked on, dropped off to be worked on, kids to school, an extra trip back home b/c we had forgotten things, etc. The day progressed into another meeting, late afternoon and finally bedtime. Once again, because I was completely exhausted to the point that I literally did not feel I could hold my eyes open, I went to bed and even prayed, giving God an excuse of why I would read my Bible in the morning. I was just physically and mentally exhausted and needed my rest! I mean, I deserve that, right?
WRONG! At 12:45, Aiden woke up crying for an unknown reason, which woke Allee up. Aiden went back to sleep, but Allee was thrown into one of her terrors that we have experienced previously, but not recently. To make a longer story short, the last time I remember looking at the clock it was 2:00 a.m. and she was still crying! I have no idea what time I finally went to sleep.
CONFESSION--All I could think as I lay there helplessly trying to calm her was, "Wow, I deserve this one." I mean, think about it. I gave up what would have taken me maybe 15 minutes at most of the reading of God's word for what I thought was going to be more rest. Boy was I wrong. God showed me that if I short change Him, I will not win. I lost over an hour of sleep more than what I would have lost had I stayed up a little longer and studied. But, at that moment before bed, I just felt like I couldn't go on! Like I deserved to get rest. WHO AM I to think I DESERVE anything? God gave his only son, JESUS, to die for me that I may live and here I was having a pity pat party because I had not gotten adequate rest. What if Jesus had of decided that he couldn't go on when he had been beaten and was carrying His own cross to be crucified? When God revealed all the feelings to me, I felt so small. All He wants from us is to give of ourselves. Sometimes, that may mean giving up something else! What will it take for me to realize that? I wasn't even willing to give Him a few minutes of the "leftover" time that I had last night! So, that's my confession. We are not all perfect and we all make mistakes, but thank God He reminds us when we do so that we can ask forgiveness and strive to do better the next day!
I am still very tired, but God is the very person who can restore my strength and I am counting on Him and only Him to do that today.
May God bless you all as you have your "Mondays."
Thursday, September 6, 2007

We began our first lesson on Wednesday nights with TeamKID. I am teaching the 3 year old - Kind., which means that I am teaching Aiden. Last week we had a rough start, but I spent all day yesterday getting the room more user friendly and preparing my lesson. GOD truly blessed. Aiden was an angel (of course I did bring my paddle with me just in case) as were the rest of the children. I am so excited to be teaching them, although it is a very exhausting task. I look up to anyone who teaches this age group all day, every day! WOW! You must have lots of energy.
Aiden and Allee came walking in our room to wake us up at 6:30 this morning. It was so cute to see them, hand in hand, come around the corner so quietly. I asked Aiden what they were doing and he said, "Allee was ready to get up and come in here with ya'll." Yeah, right! Aiden is the one who randomly walks in our room. Either way, it was so sweet. I wish my camera had been readily available.
Aiden and Allee came walking in our room to wake us up at 6:30 this morning. It was so cute to see them, hand in hand, come around the corner so quietly. I asked Aiden what they were doing and he said, "Allee was ready to get up and come in here with ya'll." Yeah, right! Aiden is the one who randomly walks in our room. Either way, it was so sweet. I wish my camera had been readily available.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Walk on Water

This weekend we went to the River for Labor Day and had a wonderful time. My kids love going and we took Shelby and Kayla this time, so they loved it even more! This was the first time that we entertained friends there and I really enjoyed it!
Aiden had a moment, of course, that I have to tell. He was walking in the shallow of the edge of the water and I was swimming with Allee, Rick sitting in a chair. He yells, "Hey Dad, look at me, I am walking on water." Then, with the cutest look and move of the brows he said, "But I am NOT Jesus!" It was so funny!
Allee, though not a woman of many words yet, has fun in her own way. She is so clumsy. We get so tickled at her falling everywhere she goes and not crying about it, while Shelby and Aiden whine over the least little bump. Allee spent most of her time eating or trying to take the toys or food from her brother! She loves to aggravate him.
Allee and Aiden have been sleeping in the same bed successfully for about a week now! YEAH! Aiden still gets up in the middle of the night for whatever reason, but at least she is out of the baby bed. Now if I can just get the pacifier away from her, we will be doing okay!
Sorry there are no pics...still no digital camera.
Aiden had a moment, of course, that I have to tell. He was walking in the shallow of the edge of the water and I was swimming with Allee, Rick sitting in a chair. He yells, "Hey Dad, look at me, I am walking on water." Then, with the cutest look and move of the brows he said, "But I am NOT Jesus!" It was so funny!
Allee, though not a woman of many words yet, has fun in her own way. She is so clumsy. We get so tickled at her falling everywhere she goes and not crying about it, while Shelby and Aiden whine over the least little bump. Allee spent most of her time eating or trying to take the toys or food from her brother! She loves to aggravate him.
Allee and Aiden have been sleeping in the same bed successfully for about a week now! YEAH! Aiden still gets up in the middle of the night for whatever reason, but at least she is out of the baby bed. Now if I can just get the pacifier away from her, we will be doing okay!
Sorry there are no pics...still no digital camera.
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