Sunday, September 20, 2009

Too Busy

Is it just me, or do all of you feel as busy as I do? Life seemed so much simpler when I was a child. I don't remember going all the time and being a run ragged as I feel now. Last week is a blur. We try to take care of our families by doing activities and being involved, and yet, sometimes, our families are the ones to suffer the most. Let's just say, by Friday night, after a long week of craziness, a long day of church errands, picking up kids from school, room mom meeting, painting at the church, I think we ate supper and bathed....I was spent! Unfortunatlely when my youngest knocked over the toybox that I had just filled with toys before bedtime, I took my frustration out on him by screaming at him. Like he knew. He was just being a little boy. (Mischievious little boy, but nontheless...) When I realized how upset he had gotten, I got upset and was comforted by my oldest, who probably had the fear of God in him by this point and knew not to rock the boat. Afterward, I was able to find some alone time with God and talked to Rick and all was well.

I guess my point is, and I spoke on this a couple of weeks ago at a ladies retreat, be sure to not "busy" yourself out of a family and into a mental institute. Also, and we all know this but are still guilty of slipping up as I did, take time with God early! It doesn't have to be first thing, but early in your day. This reminds us that God is in control and not us. We can't function alone and we need His daily guidance to help us make decisions and not "crack up". Don't pour all of your energy into your family (kids, spouse, etc) and live no energy for yourself and your relationship with God. If we do this we may find ourselves waking years later to an empty home, but empty HEART! Let Jesus fill your heart with joy and transfer that joy to others. Let's all be a witness for Him today!


The Cannons said...

It is so hard sometimes to "Be a Mary in a Martha World"!

Miss Hopper said...

This is so true! I am always amazed by what trivial things fill my days. I tend to look back and not even be able to see that I have accomplished anything. I was listening to the radio today while I was cleaning the house (which sometimes feels like a total waste of precious time...) and they played the Call to Worship by Karen Wheaton. The pastor that is speaking during that song said "you can stay up all night long on the internet, chatting with friends, but you don't have time to read the Bible." How sad and true! We've got to be so careful about what we give our time to.