Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Puppy

Well, actually we have had it for a month, but you know me and my updates. His name is Rosco (other names considered, Jack (by Aiden), Puddle (by Allee) and Porkchop (by Daddy). Aiden finally named him! My cousin blessed us with this adorable Jack Russell Terrier. We were excited to get him because we have a fence and all. Well, by looking at the pictures you can see the fence doesn't help. He can crawl under, through or between anything, he is so tiny! He is all puppy! Teething and biting. He is a great dog. He fetched for us on the first day, never barks and loves to run and play, AND all of the kids can pick him up easily! I can't believe we added something else to our lives, but so far he has been no trouble at all! Evan says, when you ask him about the puppy, "Osco bite me". But Evan is the one who shows the most interest. Now that he has starting nibbling on toes, Allee runs from him (she always has exposed toes in flip flops). Aiden tried to take him for a ride in the little coup car, which seems nice, except he put him through the hole in the handle and the poor thing was hanging there by his neck....not barking though! We had a long talk about that!

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