Friday, September 25, 2009

Daddy's REAL Job

Poor Daddy! Just to preface this post, I love my husband, and he does a wonderful job as the pastor of our church, the daddy of our home, and being my husband.

Rick was getting ready to go to his office and do "church stuff" like studying, phone calls, etc., and Allee asked where he was going. He said, I'm going to work. She asked where and he said, "To the office." She replied, "Oh, I thought you were going to your "real" job far away."

Rick got a huge kick out of that. Blessed as we are to have somewhat flexible schedules and our kids see us a good bit, what they don't see is what all we "really" do. I don't know why Allee is having such a hard time knowing what "daddy does." Daddy does a lot that she doesn't see. Maybe one day she will see the sacrifices we have made for "daddy" to be able to do the job he does.

We love you daddy and we appreciate ALL you do for us and others.

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