Thursday, January 3, 2008


No, really...we are doing well. I can't believe how much better I feel after this delivery than either of the other two. I feel like I haven't stopped since he was born. We have taken him to town twice for a weight check because he was early and a nursing baby and had lost weight, they were a little concerned, but he got a good check up today. He has gained back almost to his birth weight at 6. 12 oz. By Tuesday, my other two were about to go stir crazy. They are used to going and being outside and the weather has not cooperated. Janet and I took them and her boys and Kendall (neice) to the movies on Wed. just to get mine out of the house. We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks. (Really cute). Aiden did well, Allee got a nap about half way through while Daddy babysat Evan and studied for Wed night church in the peace and quiet.

Today, we took Evan for his second weight check, so NaNa Taylor came to the rescue to get the other two. They were excited to be going with her and I was able to clean house when we returned from town. I am only getting to blog b/c I am waiting for the kids to get home and Evan to wake up to eat.

I can't believe we have another baby in the family. He is SOOOO precious if he is mine.

More arrives.


The Cannons said...

I'm so glad ya'll are doing well. I've always heard the 3rd really throws everybody for a loop, but ya'll are pros by now.HA
Love & Prayers!

Anonymous said...

i thought you were about to say that you took the new baby to the movie! :)

glad you're doing well. take it easy when you can! love you!