Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Internet trouble

Okay, any suggestions...I can't live with this slow internet, but we can't get DSL in our area and I don't really want to pay the upfront money for hughes net. I have been trying to upload a picture for 20 min. I don't have that kind of time on my hands.

Quick update...
Allee is still feeling bad. We sent Aiden to NaNa Taylor's to try and stay well. I called today to make sure he was okay. I asked to talk to him. He asked NaNa was I coming to get him. She said, No, she just wants to talk to you. She said he grinned really big and THEN got the phone. Our conversation was quick because he was too busy having fun! No time to talk to MaMa on the phone.

Allee's new favorite movie is Toy Story. We have the VCR tape and I think it is going to break (maybe) from rewinding it. Everyday she says, "Can we watch Woody Mom?" It is so cute. But I caught her quoting it today. I think we have watched one too many times.

Evan has been really fussy all day. I think he senses Allee's sickness and knows my nerves can't handle it. He goes for a 2 month check up on Monday. That will mean we made a trip once a week to Dr. Rob's office for the 4 weeks in a row!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trust me, I know and understand your pain of a slow connection. We cannot get DSL at home where we are either, so we use an Aircard from cingular/AT&T. And pay a monthly fee for it on our cell bill, it uses it's own phone line so the home line isn't taken up. It is certainly not nearly as fast as DSL....but I promise it is faster than regular dial-up. E-mail me if you need more info.
