Aiden and Allee have been really good. I think they are adjusting. I feel like all I have been saying is "stop" "don't" or "paddle". The other night I decided that it really didn't matter what my house looked like or even if they do wake the baby. They are toddlers and they need their time. After the death of Bronner Burgess and the testimony from Rick Burgess, the little things just don't seem to matter as much! With this weather, we haven't been able to go out (which is killing me and them) so indoor play is getting boring to them. They love to pillow fight and "jump" on the couch (I told daddy we should get a trampoline, but he is terrified of the injuries that would come with), so I captured this moment of them getting to have a little uncontrolled fun the other night.
Funnies from the kids:
I have tons written down at home, but I can't remember them, so I'll just tell a couple of cutes.
Aiden was in the bathroom the other day and I ask if he was finished and did he need me. He said, "Mom, I need a little privacy please."
We were in the grocery store before school the other day getting medicine. I had to ask the lady where the chapstick was. I still was overlooking it after she told me where to look. I said, "Man, I don't see it, do you see it Aiden?" He said, "Mom, let's just go to another store. I don't think that lady knows where it is. She was just carrying on." (Rick says "carrying on" to him all the time.)
We were leaving church to go down to the FLC for a baptism. Someone brought Aiden to me and said that he was in the back swinging all by himself. I was giving him the lecture of how he has to tell me or daddy where he is going even if we are at church b/c he could get ran over or lost and we wouldn't have him anymore. He said, "Yeah, then I would be dead. But if I am dead I would be with Jesus and Jesus would make me alive again cause Jesus is in our heart and he could just make me live." WOW----I know he says stuff all the time, but if we could just grasp that as adults. You know, Jesus did make it simple enough for a child to understand, so why don't the adults get it! It's that simple...if we are spiritually dead...JESUS CAN MAKE US ALIVE AGAIN!!!
Allee has been singing "You are so beautiful" from The Little Rascals (which we can't watch b/c of the language). It is the cutest thing I have ever heard. I hope to get it on video soon! She is hilarious, but I can't really write what all she does. We would be here all day!
Hope it isn't so long until my next post. Thanks for looking.