Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Evan got tubes
Today was the day! Evan got tubes in his ears and he did great. NaNa T came and met us yesterday to get Aiden and Allee to spend the night, so we had a fun night with just the little one. He is growing up so fast. He is so fast. I can't keep up with him. He woke up when we put him in the car at 5:30, and stayed awake. My biggest concern was him wanting food. He did fine for the first hour, but around 7:15, when we had been playing ball for 45 min to occupy him, he whined for a "nack". We redirected his attention, and that was that. He was so good. No crying until they were bringing him back to the room and it stopped instantly when he got Mommy, froggy and juice! I was concerned that we may not need them since he had seemed a little better lately, but the doc informed us that he still had significant fluid on the L. So, I am glad we did. Thanks for all of your prayers and continue to pray that this will help him rest better!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Evan and doughnuts
It is no secret that all three of my boys LOVE sweets! Rick, Aiden and Evan could eat their weight in doughnuts! Aiden can eat a whole dozen of krispy kreme if you don't watch him. He even sneaks and gets them if they are around and trys to hide that he has them.
Well, Evan is carrying on the tradition. Yesterday morning after he had already eaten breakfast, he started whining and we didn't know what he wanted. Rick got him up and he and I were talking while Evan was pointing toward the "snack" cabinet. We weren't really paying much attention to him and all of a sudden he took his pacy out of his mouth and I swear he said in his little baby voice mumbo jumbo..."i wanna doughnut." Rick and I looked at each other at the same time and said, "did he say doughnut." When we got the white powdered doughnut from the cabinet the kid went crazy....bouncing, smiling, screaming with excitement.
However, he is picky. I tried to break one in half to give to him to decrease the mess and he stomped his foot and shook his head. I immediately offered him a whole one and he gladly accepted and devoured it! He is a mess!
Well, Evan is carrying on the tradition. Yesterday morning after he had already eaten breakfast, he started whining and we didn't know what he wanted. Rick got him up and he and I were talking while Evan was pointing toward the "snack" cabinet. We weren't really paying much attention to him and all of a sudden he took his pacy out of his mouth and I swear he said in his little baby voice mumbo jumbo..."i wanna doughnut." Rick and I looked at each other at the same time and said, "did he say doughnut." When we got the white powdered doughnut from the cabinet the kid went crazy....bouncing, smiling, screaming with excitement.
However, he is picky. I tried to break one in half to give to him to decrease the mess and he stomped his foot and shook his head. I immediately offered him a whole one and he gladly accepted and devoured it! He is a mess!
Birthday lunch with MiMi
After the ears, we picked Aiden up from school and talked them into chips and dip from Jalepeno's for Allee's lunch! They sang the birthday song in Spanish! Allee was so tickled. She wasn't so sure about the hat though and Aiden was more focused on sitting on the donkey outside! Thanks again MiMi. We had a blast....and thanks to Daddy for keeping Evan home so we could enjoy our girls day out! BTW - MiMi took her in the shoe store......BIG MISTAKE! The girl is picky and wants it all! After trying on virtually every shoe in the store, she ended up with princess house shoes which she insisted on wearing out of the store. As a matter of fact, that is them in the window seal behind her in the picture!
Allee Beth Gets Earrings
Allee turns 3 this Saturday. MiMi has been wanting to get her ears pierced for an entire year. I finally agreed. So, MiMi called and we let Allee skip school on Monday to get it done. She was so excited. I kept telling her it would hurt and she said matter of factly (just gotta know her), "No, it aint gonna hurt me cuz I'm strong." I would say, Yes, it will hurt and she would argue, "No it won't." So off we go! I tried to make sure she understood before we began the process, but she still wanted them. So she picked out the cute pink flower earrings and below is the process!
Allee waiting in the chair...very excited!
She gets the dots on her ears to mark the spot!
Snow Picture Updates
You all know me and my computer. Just now getting time to get these in. Aiden asked when we would get snow again b/c he had so much fun! I told him it could be years!!!!
The Taylor Family before church. Poor little Evan didn't even have shoes on and it was still snowing hard!
Aiden wanted to build a big snow man. I started he and Allee a small ball. He was making the middle, Allee the head and me the bottom. His ball got bigger than mine real fast! He was so excited.
Allee was proud of her ball too!
The finished product! Aiden didn't like the fact that we didn't have all the right things for his face, like a carrot nose! Oh well. When you live in Alabama, you don't stay prepared for the snowman making contest!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Wonderful Weekend - AND Aiden Funny!
Okay...so we live in Alabama and the weather outside is frightful... WHAT A WEEKEND!
First, we had Upward Awards scheduled for Friday night and the program was great, but the weather....what a mess! Warm, tornado threats, thunderstorms, etc. I was scheduled to work a SB tourny Sat a.m. Well, I knew that wasn't going to happen. By morning, the rain had not stopped, but the temp started to slowly drop. By afternoon, it was frigid. By midnight we had snow! This morning we woke to a beautiful yard full of the white stuff. I thought my kids would jump out of their skin. Aiden was the cutest: "Moma, it really did snow. Can we make snow angels, and snow balls, and play, and snowmen, and..and..and..." "Yes, son, but you have to wait!" "Mama, I am so thankful that God gave us the beautiful day with snow." Awwww. I will post more on snow when I get my pics uploaded. So, in Alabama, you can wear shorts on Thu, raincoat and mudders on Fri, long sleeve on Sat, and coveralls on Sun. And then repeat it the next week. It will be 20 tomorrow night and 76 on Friday!
During this wonderful weekend, my son has really been acting the part of a gentlemen. I have noticed he is trying to be more helpful, esp when cleaning up toys. Friday, the kids were getting to watch a movie, but were to clean up before. Allee had made a mess in her room and was refusing to pick up. I was trying to help and had already told Aiden he was excused because he did not make this mess. He came back in and started helping anyway, and before I could get Allee to pick up one toy, he had cleaned them all! As I was bragging on him (he loves the bragging) for doing such a good job and being so helpful to his Sissy and Mommy, I was being a little silly and said
"Aiden, you are the best "cleaner upper" that I know." (Now, you have to know Aiden...)
He turned and with a very serious face said, "Mom, I think you mean "cleaner" (emphasizing the word)...I am the best "cleaner" you know.
"Yeah, that's what I meant."
"Mom, you said cleaner upper....hey, cleaner upper...that....."
"Matches! (Again, being silly, finishing his sentence)
"Mooommm! Match is when things "looookkk" alike, RHYME is when words have the same ending."
Thank you "4 year old son of mine " for my grammer lesson!
First, we had Upward Awards scheduled for Friday night and the program was great, but the weather....what a mess! Warm, tornado threats, thunderstorms, etc. I was scheduled to work a SB tourny Sat a.m. Well, I knew that wasn't going to happen. By morning, the rain had not stopped, but the temp started to slowly drop. By afternoon, it was frigid. By midnight we had snow! This morning we woke to a beautiful yard full of the white stuff. I thought my kids would jump out of their skin. Aiden was the cutest: "Moma, it really did snow. Can we make snow angels, and snow balls, and play, and snowmen, and..and..and..." "Yes, son, but you have to wait!" "Mama, I am so thankful that God gave us the beautiful day with snow." Awwww. I will post more on snow when I get my pics uploaded. So, in Alabama, you can wear shorts on Thu, raincoat and mudders on Fri, long sleeve on Sat, and coveralls on Sun. And then repeat it the next week. It will be 20 tomorrow night and 76 on Friday!
During this wonderful weekend, my son has really been acting the part of a gentlemen. I have noticed he is trying to be more helpful, esp when cleaning up toys. Friday, the kids were getting to watch a movie, but were to clean up before. Allee had made a mess in her room and was refusing to pick up. I was trying to help and had already told Aiden he was excused because he did not make this mess. He came back in and started helping anyway, and before I could get Allee to pick up one toy, he had cleaned them all! As I was bragging on him (he loves the bragging) for doing such a good job and being so helpful to his Sissy and Mommy, I was being a little silly and said
"Aiden, you are the best "cleaner upper" that I know." (Now, you have to know Aiden...)
He turned and with a very serious face said, "Mom, I think you mean "cleaner" (emphasizing the word)...I am the best "cleaner" you know.
"Yeah, that's what I meant."
"Mom, you said cleaner upper....hey, cleaner upper...that....."
"Matches! (Again, being silly, finishing his sentence)
"Mooommm! Match is when things "looookkk" alike, RHYME is when words have the same ending."
Thank you "4 year old son of mine " for my grammer lesson!
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