Friday, January 23, 2009

Major Updates - keep scrolling

I tried not to put lots of writing since it has been so long since I posted. Keep scrolling down to see what all has happened in our lives since Halloween! That is just SAD! I even left out several events that I didn't have pics of. Our church had a major Christmas play that required lots of building and decorating, but all went well. We have started Upward Basketball which has lots of work involved, but is going great. We have also started two services on Sunday A.M. to make more room for visitors. Since we began, our number have increased in Sunday school especially! The Lord has really blessed! Rick has met with an architect to talk about possilbly building new santctuary! Please pray that God's work will be accomplished as He sees fit! Hope you enjoy the updates.


kimberly t. bowling said...

Amanda....great updates...even the Alabama photos were cute :)

And believe me I know your pain about having 3 kids and trying to find some quiet time to even gather your own thoughts!

Enjoy every overwhelming moment though....they go by WAY too fast.

Courtney Long said...

love all the updates! great to hear from you. i'm so proud of you and rick and the work ya'll are doing at the church. i love you!