EVANS FIRST HAIRCUT - 9 Months old (October)
A look to kill!
"Don't cut my ear MiMi!"
The finished product - MiMi and Evan with his sucker prize!
Let's start at the beginning. So much has happened lately I will never catch up. Let me give some quick highlights. Evan pretty much stayed sick (him or Allee) since the last update and those of you with several small children know how tired you get lugging a whiny kid around on your side all day...so my night time post became nonexistent. Since I last blogged....
Evan has been walking since 9 months old. He know has 8 teeth and 2 more on the way. He got his first hair cut, his first ear infection, his first hand spat, his first birthday and his first 4 - wheeler. (more later). He is talking (or jabbering) up a storm. He says bootball (football), baball (basketball), Yaden (aiden), and lots of other typical words...byebye, bitebite, cup, nitenite...etc. He was off his bottle but hates milk, so that has been a challenge. But, at age one, the age around my house where sleeping kids stop sleeping, we have hit a bump in the road. He has been going to bed on his own, no crying, no rocking, no bottle...but suddenly, we have started waking in the middle of the night, sometimes multiple times, and the only way to get him back to sleep is warm milk in a bottle. I know! Terrible Mother! But I am desperate. We are going on a month of this horrible sleeping habit. NaNa T called to rescue us today. All three are going to sleep over tonight and give us a small break. THANKS! I know it is prob ears or teeth...some sort of pain, but it is still miserable for all involved. Prayers would be greatly appreciated! (I think I have written this same story with Allee...lol).
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