Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sorry for the inconvenience. I am changing my comments because of the spam I have been getting lately. I apologize, but I do hope you all keep leaving comments.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Allee in Crystals Weddings
Pictures from the Past
Well, not really the past, but our Summer. Seems like a long time ago....
Stay with me as a try to re-cap some of our summer.
VBS Dress Up night -
Greetings from West Virginia
Well, we have been here since Saturday night, today is Wednesday, and we leave tomorrow. I am really missing my babies, but other than that, we are having a blast. The trip up here was uneventful and quite pleasant. I actually had some time to think, read, and sleep. The conference has been everything that I spiritually anticipated. It is so nice to be in a group of over 7,000 other believers who are worshipping Jesus. I have had the opportunity to participate in the mass choir each night which is a better experience than I can describe. The music is just awesome, but that is my favorite way to worship.
Aiden has been enjoying himself. Of course, bed time is all messed up. Each night when we go "home" as he calls it, he and Jacob can't wait to see who gets to build the tunnel with the pillows first! They have been bouncing off the walls.
Back home, Allee and Evan are doing great. Allee, of course, has been using the potty for each person she stays with, with only a couple of accidents. Amazing how much better your children are for other people. I don't think Evan has missed me at all. They did say, when Allee and Evan got back together on Monday that he just about ate her up with excitement and kisses. So sweet.
Spiritually, here, God has really been speaking to me. Mostly about personal things within my own spirituality, but also my family and church. God has called us to serve Him, to worship Him, to love Him, but we can't do that until we get self out of the way and actually spend time with HIM. I can't make my family be Godly or spiritual or happy...but God can. Through Him, my family can be everything He wants it to be, but it's not about ME. It's all about HIM. My prayer is that I can continue to meditate upon that every day and allow God to change me into the person He wants me to be, so that I can be a better Mom, teacher, wifte, etc. to the people in my life.
I just found these computers, so hopefully I can get a chance to come back for an update and pictures!!
Until then....God loves you!
Aiden has been enjoying himself. Of course, bed time is all messed up. Each night when we go "home" as he calls it, he and Jacob can't wait to see who gets to build the tunnel with the pillows first! They have been bouncing off the walls.
Back home, Allee and Evan are doing great. Allee, of course, has been using the potty for each person she stays with, with only a couple of accidents. Amazing how much better your children are for other people. I don't think Evan has missed me at all. They did say, when Allee and Evan got back together on Monday that he just about ate her up with excitement and kisses. So sweet.
Spiritually, here, God has really been speaking to me. Mostly about personal things within my own spirituality, but also my family and church. God has called us to serve Him, to worship Him, to love Him, but we can't do that until we get self out of the way and actually spend time with HIM. I can't make my family be Godly or spiritual or happy...but God can. Through Him, my family can be everything He wants it to be, but it's not about ME. It's all about HIM. My prayer is that I can continue to meditate upon that every day and allow God to change me into the person He wants me to be, so that I can be a better Mom, teacher, wifte, etc. to the people in my life.
I just found these computers, so hopefully I can get a chance to come back for an update and pictures!!
Until then....God loves you!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Check ups
Evan and Aiden had great check ups yesterday. Evan weighed 15.13 pounds. He said he looked great. Of course, he jumped around and laughed and cooed the whole time until shot time. After his shots he would not even look at the nurse. It was so funny.
Aiden weighed 36 pounds. He is such a mess. He wore an orange shirt to the visit. Well, Dr. Robinson, of course, is die hard Alabama so he was picking on him about the orange shirt. Aiden was just carrying on with him. Doc was asking me questions about things he could and couldn't do and Aiden was answering. I said, "Yeah, he's pretty smart." Doc said, "Well, you ain't too smart cause you're wearing an orange shirt." Aiden sulled up with his pouty face and turned his head to the wall. Those of you who have seen him do this know what I am talking about. I thought he would never un-sull. It was too cute. They made up before we left, though.
Allee's big thing right now is potty training. She WILL NOT poopy in the potty. We have numerous conversations, and still nothing. She will come and tell you after the fact. Yesterday, I came home and I thought I smelled her. I asked did she have on a bad pull up. She said, "Yes". I said, "Why did you do that." "Cause I want to". "Do you like having poopy in your pants?" "Yes." WE ARE GETTING NOWHERE. BUT, she is doing pretty good with the other. I know it takes time, but when she is big enough to come and ask you to change her, that is very frustrating.
Aiden weighed 36 pounds. He is such a mess. He wore an orange shirt to the visit. Well, Dr. Robinson, of course, is die hard Alabama so he was picking on him about the orange shirt. Aiden was just carrying on with him. Doc was asking me questions about things he could and couldn't do and Aiden was answering. I said, "Yeah, he's pretty smart." Doc said, "Well, you ain't too smart cause you're wearing an orange shirt." Aiden sulled up with his pouty face and turned his head to the wall. Those of you who have seen him do this know what I am talking about. I thought he would never un-sull. It was too cute. They made up before we left, though.
Allee's big thing right now is potty training. She WILL NOT poopy in the potty. We have numerous conversations, and still nothing. She will come and tell you after the fact. Yesterday, I came home and I thought I smelled her. I asked did she have on a bad pull up. She said, "Yes". I said, "Why did you do that." "Cause I want to". "Do you like having poopy in your pants?" "Yes." WE ARE GETTING NOWHERE. BUT, she is doing pretty good with the other. I know it takes time, but when she is big enough to come and ask you to change her, that is very frustrating.
Monday, July 14, 2008
This is how crazy I am...
Okay, I haven't updated in 2 months, so I finally do and I make a mistake. I got a phone call this a.m. asking me where I was going this weekend....News Flash...Nationals were in Little Rock LAST YEAR...I am going to Charleston, West Virginia THIS YEAR! Am I crazy or what!
Quick Story Time:
Evan is going to have the personality of the other two, I can already tell. He is crawling, or scooting, rather, so it is hard to keep him in one spot. After a long day on Sat, I was home alone putting the kids in for a bath and bed, etc. I put Evan in the living room floor to play while I ran to start the bath water and get P.J's out. I got a phone call in the process. While on the phone, running around crazy, I hear him kind of fussing. I go into the living room (no more than 2 min later) and look...NO EVAN. I start looking for him. For those of you who know where I live, my its not like my living room or house is huge and there are many places for him to go. I finally look back toward the wall, and somehow, the little booger had wedged his body under the love seat and his head under the end table that sits beside it. Had he not looked scared to death, I would have videoed or at least took a pic, but instead, I laughed and retrieved him to safety!
AIDEN: A couple of weeks ago, I went to help my niece move out of a 2nd floor apartment. I, of course, had to drag all three babies along with me. I left the older two running around, and watching us carry things up and down. The banister was an iron gate like fence, you know the type. We are standing in the apartment, Aiden is out on front, looking around, being Aiden, when I hear him scream. I go to see what is wrong. He has stuck his head through the rails and can't get it out. I knew he was okay, but he was terrified. (He panics easily...I DO NOT). I was laughing so hard I couldn't even think. I tried to pull and he would scream. I tried to pull the rails apart, but I was too weak. To make it even worse, there was a whole group of onlookers trying to help. One even mentioned calling the fire department. Finally, God sent a man by to read the water meter and he said, "Let me see if I can help." He came and put his foot on one rail and pulled the other one just slighty enough to let Aiden's ears get through! Thank the Lord, but in hindsights, it was the funniest thing ever! (I know, I am a terrible Mom).
I know Allee has done something equally as funny lately, but my mind is blank. It has been a total circus around our house lately. Non-stop comic show!
Quick Story Time:
Evan is going to have the personality of the other two, I can already tell. He is crawling, or scooting, rather, so it is hard to keep him in one spot. After a long day on Sat, I was home alone putting the kids in for a bath and bed, etc. I put Evan in the living room floor to play while I ran to start the bath water and get P.J's out. I got a phone call in the process. While on the phone, running around crazy, I hear him kind of fussing. I go into the living room (no more than 2 min later) and look...NO EVAN. I start looking for him. For those of you who know where I live, my its not like my living room or house is huge and there are many places for him to go. I finally look back toward the wall, and somehow, the little booger had wedged his body under the love seat and his head under the end table that sits beside it. Had he not looked scared to death, I would have videoed or at least took a pic, but instead, I laughed and retrieved him to safety!
AIDEN: A couple of weeks ago, I went to help my niece move out of a 2nd floor apartment. I, of course, had to drag all three babies along with me. I left the older two running around, and watching us carry things up and down. The banister was an iron gate like fence, you know the type. We are standing in the apartment, Aiden is out on front, looking around, being Aiden, when I hear him scream. I go to see what is wrong. He has stuck his head through the rails and can't get it out. I knew he was okay, but he was terrified. (He panics easily...I DO NOT). I was laughing so hard I couldn't even think. I tried to pull and he would scream. I tried to pull the rails apart, but I was too weak. To make it even worse, there was a whole group of onlookers trying to help. One even mentioned calling the fire department. Finally, God sent a man by to read the water meter and he said, "Let me see if I can help." He came and put his foot on one rail and pulled the other one just slighty enough to let Aiden's ears get through! Thank the Lord, but in hindsights, it was the funniest thing ever! (I know, I am a terrible Mom).
I know Allee has done something equally as funny lately, but my mind is blank. It has been a total circus around our house lately. Non-stop comic show!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Major Update
How pathetic I am when I look at the last update and all that has happened since then. I can't even begin to catch you all up, but here is a brief description of what we have been up to.
We had a trip to the River on Memorial Day weekend where Aiden celebrated his 4th Birthday. I can't even believe that. He had Spiderman everything and we all had a great time. Not every one could make the trip, but he was happy all the same. On our return from the river, we had two straight weeks of swim lessons with Coach Ann. Allee cried the first 2 days, but by day 3 was swimming like a fish. Aiden learned to free style. They both love the water, thank goodness! Allee is not afraid at all. Almost to the point it scares me.
We made a quick trip to the beach. We took my Mom and Briana along with us. We had so much fun. The kids loved the sand and the swimming pool and were very good on the trip. Evan developed some kind of weird sleeping habit while we were gone called, "I'd rather scream than sleep," so that wasn't very pleasant. The other bad thing was on the last morning there, we received a phone call that my Mom's house had loss. So the ride home was very long, knowing she was returning to nothing. For those of you who don't know, she had only been in this house for 4 years or so, after rebuilding from a tornado destroying the previous home. But, God is good and she is slowly putting the pieces back together. Overall, the beach was great and I enjoyed having the extra helpers!
The week we returned, we made another trip to the River for the 4th of July. Before we left, Rick's Dad had to have an operation and while we were there, we received bad news of a church member who had a bad seizure and was in critical condition. She has 3 small girls. The Monday after we returned back from the 4th, which was last week, was the beginning of our VBS. Fortunately, the young lady began to get better each day and after 8 days of unconciousness, regained conciousness and I actually spoke to her yesterday. GOD IS SO GOOD! She is a miracle.
VBS was wonderful, but tiring. We finished up on Friday night with a County Fair that was rained out, but every one still had a great time. We also had a group of 16 visit from another church this weekend.
We will leave this upcoming Saturday for our National Convention in Little Rock Arkansas.
Please pray for God's blessing on that trip and our family. As you see, we have had a busy summer and it isn't going to slow down at all. I am trying to hold it together and I really miss updating, but there has literally been no time to stop.
Evan and Aiden go for check ups tomorrow, so I will try to post those. Evan finally broke a tooth through. He has been crawling around all summer. Maybe that is why I have been so busy. I can't keep up with them all. I have several funny stories, and maybe by the time I get to update again, I will have enough in me to remember them and post them. Until then, pray I get some sleep!!!!!!!!!
We had a trip to the River on Memorial Day weekend where Aiden celebrated his 4th Birthday. I can't even believe that. He had Spiderman everything and we all had a great time. Not every one could make the trip, but he was happy all the same. On our return from the river, we had two straight weeks of swim lessons with Coach Ann. Allee cried the first 2 days, but by day 3 was swimming like a fish. Aiden learned to free style. They both love the water, thank goodness! Allee is not afraid at all. Almost to the point it scares me.
We made a quick trip to the beach. We took my Mom and Briana along with us. We had so much fun. The kids loved the sand and the swimming pool and were very good on the trip. Evan developed some kind of weird sleeping habit while we were gone called, "I'd rather scream than sleep," so that wasn't very pleasant. The other bad thing was on the last morning there, we received a phone call that my Mom's house had loss. So the ride home was very long, knowing she was returning to nothing. For those of you who don't know, she had only been in this house for 4 years or so, after rebuilding from a tornado destroying the previous home. But, God is good and she is slowly putting the pieces back together. Overall, the beach was great and I enjoyed having the extra helpers!
The week we returned, we made another trip to the River for the 4th of July. Before we left, Rick's Dad had to have an operation and while we were there, we received bad news of a church member who had a bad seizure and was in critical condition. She has 3 small girls. The Monday after we returned back from the 4th, which was last week, was the beginning of our VBS. Fortunately, the young lady began to get better each day and after 8 days of unconciousness, regained conciousness and I actually spoke to her yesterday. GOD IS SO GOOD! She is a miracle.
VBS was wonderful, but tiring. We finished up on Friday night with a County Fair that was rained out, but every one still had a great time. We also had a group of 16 visit from another church this weekend.
We will leave this upcoming Saturday for our National Convention in Little Rock Arkansas.
Please pray for God's blessing on that trip and our family. As you see, we have had a busy summer and it isn't going to slow down at all. I am trying to hold it together and I really miss updating, but there has literally been no time to stop.
Evan and Aiden go for check ups tomorrow, so I will try to post those. Evan finally broke a tooth through. He has been crawling around all summer. Maybe that is why I have been so busy. I can't keep up with them all. I have several funny stories, and maybe by the time I get to update again, I will have enough in me to remember them and post them. Until then, pray I get some sleep!!!!!!!!!
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