Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can you spare a square?

This post will be a little different from most, but I hope you can all find the light hearted humor...

Typical night at the Taylor home that we call a circus! We ate an early supper, Rick went to play basketball, so I am alone with the three kids. They are playing, or two are playing and the baby is following me around whining like a puppy with pacy in mouth and froggy in hand. The issue of a potty break comes up for Mommy. Now, all you mothers of little babies, toddlers, or kids of any age under 10 can probably relate to this moment. You need privacy, you want privacy, privacy is expected, but do you actually get it? Now, Rick...YES! Newspaper in hand, he WILL get his time, if for no other purpose but peace and quiet and you had better not interrupt, bother, talk to...etc until he is finished reading, or whatever. Now, Me on the other hand, I don't get that nice quiet time alone (unless Rick is here and I ask him to "GET THEM OUT OF HERE!"). I have to wait until I can't wait any longer, then try to catch them in another room playing, run to the bathroom and pray they don't figure out where I am if only for a minute, only to be met by a door opening in my face and a conversation striking up! Any of you relate? Now since Evan has been mobile, even all of that is difficult. I usually have to take him and a toy into the bathroom, and even then he usually ends up in my lap (especially if we are the only two in the house and he has no one to play with). Well, tonight was just that scenario. I was going to make a really quick bathroom stop (with Evan in lap) and then off to more Mommy duties. I ran in so quickly, I didn't notice the missing toilet paper. The spare roll holder that holds 5 rolls...EMPTY! So I did the logical thing...I yell for my 4 year old to come rescue me! As I am trying to explain how to get toliet paper off the roller in the other bathroom, he is telling me he heard a noise in there and is too scared to go back without me! NOW WHAT! Just as I am about to talk Aiden out of being scared, Evan crawls out of my lap and shuts the opened bathroom door. As I am about to scold him, I look to see him playing with a NEW roll of paper sitting randomly behind the door! I just thanked God and laughed.

Now, if you can't thank God for the little things in life, something is definately wrong with you! I sure thanked him for my little things, especially the babies in the bathroom today!

P.S. Hope this didn't embarrass any of my readers! Most of you who are reading know me well, and very little embarrasses me. If you know my husband, don't tell him what I wrote about him! LOL! JK! AND my whole scenario could have been prevented if the person who used the last of the paper had replaced the roll in the first place!


Kim Lawson said...

Love this post! I can sooooo relate to you, Amanda!!

The Cannons said...

So funny. I CAN relate! Especially when they walk in and you have to explain about "Mommy band-aids",ha)
Houston is still at the age where he needs help.It seems like 2-3x a day,I'll be in the middle of something and in the sweetest little voice, "Mommmmma, please come wiiiipe me."It is so cute, though.