Monday, February 9, 2009

Allee's Hair Isn't that Bad!

Okay, thanks to having a sister as your hair dresser, Allee came out with a cute little haircut and if you had not seen her hair before, you probably couldn't even tell! Although, last night when we were in the bath tub, Rick came in after I had washed her hair and said, "I smell something burning." Aiden quickly replied, "No, Dad, it's just Allee's hair." It does still smell when you get it wet. Just like when you get a fresh perm. Ladies, you know what I am talking about.

Here are a couple of pics, before and after. Look closely at the before and you can see a wad of orange hair at the very bottom. When Janet brushed it out that afternoon, it went in a perfect angle up to one side...we cut about 3 inches to even it up and left some burnt up underneath (almost to the scalp) to grow out and cut out over several haircuts!

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