Sunday, October 26, 2008
Evan's Boo Boo
So, you all know how it is to keep a little one who thinks he can walk better than he actually can from getting injured! This was the weekend for boo boos! It started Friday night when he got 3 bumps on his nogging while taking a bath b/c he will not sit down. We followed that up with bigger boo boo last night. My mom had stopped by and Evan was standing at the glass front door waving frantically Bye-Bye to NaNa. As she was driving off, he lost interest and went to turn,sit,crawl at the same time, causing a slip and bumping his eye on a screw sticking out of the cylinder. When he screamed, I knew I would see a knot, but I didn't expect the blood. Of course, the face bleeds more than any other body part, so it appeared a little worse than it was. He has a small puncture type wound above his right eye, right on the edge of his brow. ***Now here is where my funny Aiden comes in.***Being the "injury fixer" that I am....and I love to fix the cuts, scrapes, etc. when I am working, I was discussing with Rick on what I should do, pros and cons of each scenario, and taking into consideration that I am dealing with a 10 mo old, not a teenager. Aiden is standing by taking it all in. I am considering, then re-considering, reasoning in my mind out loud(some of my best friends know how in-decisive I am...I honestly don't know how I survive), when Aiden very matter-of-factly says..."Your a trainer, Mom, just put some tape on it." I guess that wouldn't be so cute to me if I didn't hear that from all the coaches when I am holding a kid out for a legitimate injury! MEN, they learn so quickly the easy way to "fix" things!!!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Snake Bite?
Okay, those of you who know my Aiden will love this! Rick, Aiden, Allee and I went to the River on Monday and Tuesday since the kids were out of school on Monday. Somehow, Allee ended up with an injured big toe. (It has turned black and has a cut underneath, of course, we never knew she had gotten hurt so we have no idea what happened.) Well, Mrs. Sherry came to church tonight asking if I had heard what happened. Apparently, Mrs. Angie (Aiden's teacher) got someone to sit with her class in the middle of the day to come to Mrs. Sherry's room (Allee's teacher) to check on Allee. She asked Sherry how Allee was doing and was under the impression that she was out of school. Sherry said, "No, she's fine. She is right here." Aiden had told Mrs. Angie that Allee had been bit by a snack and was sick. Mrs. Angie was really concerned and he had made her believe him! Sherry burst into laughter (she knows Aiden well) and welcomed Mrs. Angie into Aiden's world of big stories! Of course, I call this a lie....the teachers say it is a big imagination! Call it what you want, but it is kinda scary that my "4" year old can convince an adult and teacher of more than 10 years that his sister had really been snake bit!
EVAN IS WALKING! He is so funnny! His steps are not consistent, but he is walking a good bit. I have counted 11 steps at once, but he tries running. He is also cutting his eye teeth, both at the same time, so no sleep for us, once again. He looks so big! I think he weighs 20lbs, but not sure. He is saying more words each day! You should see him dance to the Wiggles! Neither of my other two ever noticed the TV, but he loves music shows of any kind!
Aiden has moved to the top bunk as Allee continues to make us feel sorry for her because..."I don't have a bed or a room." Maybe soon!
EVAN IS WALKING! He is so funnny! His steps are not consistent, but he is walking a good bit. I have counted 11 steps at once, but he tries running. He is also cutting his eye teeth, both at the same time, so no sleep for us, once again. He looks so big! I think he weighs 20lbs, but not sure. He is saying more words each day! You should see him dance to the Wiggles! Neither of my other two ever noticed the TV, but he loves music shows of any kind!
Aiden has moved to the top bunk as Allee continues to make us feel sorry for her because..."I don't have a bed or a room." Maybe soon!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Over due Post
Wow! Where do I start. As I was reviewing pics on my camera, I realized that I didn't take hardly any pics the entire month of Sept. Anyway, just a few updates.
Evan is growing so fast. He is 9 months now. BTW - view our 9 month pics at . He is taking steps, singing, clapping, "talking" up a storm and even sassing a little. I have had to start telling him, "No, No" to which he responds very loudly and matter of factly.."ma ma" as if he is saying NoNo right back! He loves the sandbox. It is so cute to see the three of them in the sandbox together. Reminds me of when we were kids.
Evan is growing so fast. He is 9 months now. BTW - view our 9 month pics at . He is taking steps, singing, clapping, "talking" up a storm and even sassing a little. I have had to start telling him, "No, No" to which he responds very loudly and matter of factly.."ma ma" as if he is saying NoNo right back! He loves the sandbox. It is so cute to see the three of them in the sandbox together. Reminds me of when we were kids.
This is him last night in the tub. His hair is getting so long and I just couldn't resist!
Don't he look so big in his little hat!
Shelby Lynn Tralick (as allee always calls her) and Allee Beth are taking gymnastics together. This is them on their first day of tumbling! Allee calls it "nastics."
Another funny hair picture of Evan! Me, Evan and Rick went to the River a couple of weeks ago to do a few things at the camper and the day was so beautiful we rode with the windows down on the way home. This is the result! It was so nice.
Aiden is playing Fall Ball for the first time and Daddy is the coach. This is our first game. (As I type this, I am remembering why I didn't get to take many pictures this month. We have been running crazy). He was so cute. We have had a great season. This Fall was very laid back. We didn't keep score and let everyone bat, regardless of number of outs, etc. The kids loved it. We did have a "pile up" in the out field in the first game and Aiden ran from home to the pitcher mound in the game the other day, but they really have learned a lot! And most importantly, they are having fun!

Addison (my great-niece) came to visit my Mom's while my kids were there. Evan is two months older than her. Can't tell by the size, huh? Aren't they cute!

That's all for now! Hopefully it won't be long before the next post!
That's all for now! Hopefully it won't be long before the next post!
Oh, yeah! I celebrated my 32nd B'day last Thursday. The kids got me a cake (which they ate all of) and me and my mom went for long overdue spa appointments and shopping. It was a wonderful day!
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