Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Going, Going...
Evan is growing up so fast. I can't believe how big he is getting and how quickly time is passing by. I let him enjoy biter biscuits or cookies in his highchair when I am needing to get something done without his help. He is all over the place. Here is a picture of him after a biter biscuit.
Getting pictures of your kids first day at school out of a window in the car line is difficult, but I did capture one picture of Aiden and Allee leaving pre-school for the first day! Allee loves school and Aiden does too. I love the time alone with Evan. I feel like I am finally getting to know him and his personality.
Happy 3rd Birthday to Shelby...Allee's BF. Shelby had a "Horton Hears a Who" party. Too cute.
Our children from Church went to the Splash Pad on Saturday. We had a great time.

Friday, August 15, 2008
We have been missing our morning Bible story since school has been back in, so I have been skipping bedtime story and replacing with Bible story. I have started the old fashioned Children's Bible Story book that you used to find in doctor's offices when you were kids. Or at least I did. I loved looking at the pictures in it. Anyway, we are starting at the beginning and working our way through. You all know how Aiden is. Since we began this study, he has hung to every word I say. He loves to be read to and can remember anything. So, I quiz him often, just to make sure he is getting it. Tonight's story was on Moses leaving Egypt and the ten plagues. I knew that Aiden has studied this before in Sunday School, so I asked, "Aiden, what is a plague?" Now, you gotta understand, Allee is usually in la-la land during story time. She is the type that is playing with this, looking at that, interupting here and there, but every once in a while, when you don't think she is listening, she chimes in. As was the case tonight. Before Aiden even had a chance to answer, Allee SANG, (not said), "I "plague" allegiance to the Christian flag." I am not kidding. It was the cutest thing. I am still laughing as I write this because it was so funny.
I think Evan may walk soon. That little booger is into everything! He is growing so fast. Where did my baby go?
Please pray for sleep in our house. He is still having trouble. I guess that is something I am just "blessed" with!
Also, just wanted to put a little plug in for my Lord. God is so good. I have been able to really grasp how good He is, even through the trials and things we all face, lately. I have been able to really focus on Him and spending more time with Him and I have been blessed everyday. I have been trying to focus on positive things and boy, does that make your day go so much better. I hope each of you can find the good in your life and realize what a true blessing it is to even be living!!!!
I think Evan may walk soon. That little booger is into everything! He is growing so fast. Where did my baby go?
Please pray for sleep in our house. He is still having trouble. I guess that is something I am just "blessed" with!
Also, just wanted to put a little plug in for my Lord. God is so good. I have been able to really grasp how good He is, even through the trials and things we all face, lately. I have been able to really focus on Him and spending more time with Him and I have been blessed everyday. I have been trying to focus on positive things and boy, does that make your day go so much better. I hope each of you can find the good in your life and realize what a true blessing it is to even be living!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
First Day of Preschool
WOW! Allee started pre-school three mornings a week today! I was worried that she may cry, but she didn't. I let Rick take her in and I videoed her walking in, hand in hand with Big Brother, backpack and all. So cute. I am so proud of her and Aiden. I know she is going to have a great time and it will be good for her to be away from me a few hours a week. Thank the Lord for our deacon's wife and Allee's Sunday School teacher who works at the pre-school and will actually be teaching Allee this year. Seems like just yesterday when she was Aiden's teacher. Allee loves her dearly so I don't have a hard time leaving her.
Evan cut his second tooth on Monday after four days of fussing and not sleeping at night. He finally got two good nights sleep, then the screaming at night started again on Wed. I found another possible spot of teething Thur morning. He seems miserable, especially at night. We have used: Motrin, teething tablets, orajel....any other suggestions would be appreciated. During the day he wants me to hold him more, but he can usually be comforted with a popsicle or something, but nightime is different. He wakes in a scream nearly every two hours.
Evan cut his second tooth on Monday after four days of fussing and not sleeping at night. He finally got two good nights sleep, then the screaming at night started again on Wed. I found another possible spot of teething Thur morning. He seems miserable, especially at night. We have used: Motrin, teething tablets, orajel....any other suggestions would be appreciated. During the day he wants me to hold him more, but he can usually be comforted with a popsicle or something, but nightime is different. He wakes in a scream nearly every two hours.
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