Aiden started his first day at Walker Elem yesterday. He absoultely loved it! Except for P.E. He said those "referrees" wouldn't let them play, even though they told them they could. "All they did was talk to us." He cried this morning because he didn't want to go to school. When I asked him why, he said because he didn't want to go to P.E. Poor thing...first day and already found something to fuss about. Otherwise, it was a huge sucess.

I didn't really get sad until I took Allee to pre-school this morning. Then it hit me. Aiden went to pre-school for 3 years and now Allee is in her second year. It was strange to take her in without him. She didn't seem to mind, though. She was very excited to see all her friends.

I can't believe I am already in this place. Sending my first off to his first day of 13 years, if the Lord tarries. It's a little scary, but I am happy for him.
As you all can see, I have been out all summer. We did lots of fun things and were on the go a lot, but with three small children at home all day and slow internet, no time for posting blogs and writing. Maybe now I can beging to get back on track. I've missed you guys!
Oh we have missed you! I don't even want to begin talking about how fast the kids grow's almost scary. :)
Glad you are back. Love the pictures.
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