Friday, May 1, 2009

Can I go to your wedding?

Yesterday, Allee and I were setting up for Ladies Night Out and out of the blue she said, "Mom, when are we going to go to the wedding?" "What wedding Allee?" "Your's and Daddy's!" "Well, Allee, Mommy and Daddy have already had one wedding. We probably won't have another one." Burst into pouty tears! "Allee, why are you crying?" "Because I really wanted to go to your wedding!" God love her! She is so cute and thoughtful and emotional....oh, no....she's all GIRL!

She also asked me about what we were doing. This was the conversation.

Allee: What we doin mommy.
Me: Setting up for our Ladies Night Out.
Allee: What's that?
Me: Well, we eat and have a speaker.
Allee: Am I gonna come?
Me: Well, I hadn't planned on it, but I guess you could.
Allee: Yeah, I want to.
Me: It will probably be boring to you, you have to sit really still.
Allee: I can do that.
Me: You can?
Allee: Uh, huh. What ya'll gonna eat.
Me: Well, we're gonna have ham.
Allee: Ummmm, I love ham.
Me: And green beans...
Allee: Ummm, I love green beans.
Me: and corn
Allee: on the cob?
Me: No.
Allee: corn off the cob?
Me: yes
Allee: ummm, I love corn off the cob.
Me: and hasbrown casserole
Allee: ummm, I love hashbrown casserole.
Bless her heart. I hope she doesn't figure out that she didnt' get to go, b/c she CANNOT sit still!

She got her costume for her gymnastics "decital" as she calls it. It will be in two weeks. She is so excited.

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