Thursday, January 14, 2010

My toes are SORE!

Long story short, the missionary tonight is a friend of ours, and it was AWESOME! He is so funny and tells the best stories, but I was also very convicted of our duties as Christians. We have it "made" pretty much here in the Bible belt. All Jesus asks us to do is live for him, serve him, serve others, spread His word...simple right? But, how many of us are selfish? How many of us have too little time for others, but plenty of time for ourselves? How many of us look at being stuck in a long line with strangers when we are in a hurry as an opportunity to share Jesus with someone, or look at meeting new people at school, work, ballgames, as Jesus giving you an opportunity to form a relationship that may lead to a church prospect?

Bro. Lancaster reminded us tonight that God is in control. No matter how many times we think we can "fix" it, God knows what is best and He is in control. We must be faithful to His word and His works! It is all about Him and NONE about US! When we (I) can get that in our heads, life will be so much better for everyone! There are lots of things that need "fixing" right now. Let's be careful to put those things in God's hands and LEAVE IT THERE! You all know the old song..."take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there!" He also reminded us of the verse that says..."the gates of hell shall not prevail against it". He illustrated that we (Christians) can "charge" the gates of hell with the power that Jesus gives us. (pretty much) We should not be afraid to witness for Jesus, but rather we should be bold. Guys, we know who wins. Bro. Jamie used a great illustration that I guess I hadn't really thought about, yet it is so simple. He said that the devil saw that he couldn't win. He knows that God is in control. But what he can do is take everyone with him that he can so that he won't have to suffer hell alone. He wants to break families apart, take our children, make us angry with friends and co-workers, and even make us doubt our government. GOD IS IN CONTROL. Do we not think that He knows what all is going on down here? Come on guys! Let's give Him a little credit....

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