Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fashion Girl

As most of you know, Allee has gotten to be a real dress up maniac. Lately, she strips down and runs around in swimsuits, "beauty pageant", gymnastics leotards, or princess dresses. She will run in a room, hide behind a door and say "announce me mama!" I guess all kids love getting to hear their name called out.

The other day, she was wearing her new robe that Santa brought and she ran into the living room after being "announced" and began dancing around and stripped her robe right off. When we asked her what she was doing, she said, "Daddy, all FASHION GIRLS do that." To which daddy replied, "Not any fashion girls I know."

She also could not take her eyes off of the life size poster of some beer advertisement girl in Jalepenos the other day on the way to the restroom. I was so embarrassed. I mean, she was literally trying to climb the wall to see "that girl" again! What am I going to do with her.

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