Friday, August 10, 2007

New Baby

Yesterday morning, I had the privaledge of helping a friend out by keeping her 11 mo old for a couple of hours until her babysitter was freed from starting her own child at their first day of school. Allee got up and she and the baby played well together. Aiden was still in the bed at the baby's arrival and when he woke up and stumbled into the living room to start his morning ritual of cartoons until he wakes up. I was holding the baby and he didn't say a word or even acknowledge that someone else was in our house. Finally, I said "Aiden, do you notice anything this morning?" He didn't say anything, but did look at the baby. I said, "Do you know who this is?" He had a really blank stare on his face as if to I suppose to know, but instead, with the blank, confused look, he looked at me with the cutest face and said, "Is it our new baby?" I just about died laughing. Wow, wouldn't it be nice if it were that easy to get them here!


Anonymous said...

I could tell what was coming before I finished reading. I am so glad that you have these blogs to keep up with the things I always said I needed to write down!

KIT with the Traweeks said...

So funny!

Anonymous said...

too cute!! he's a smart boy to make that deduction based on the information he had!